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Welcome to Beocreate 2

Tuomas Hämäläinen edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 6 revisions

Getting started with Beocreate 2 and Beocreate 4-Channel Amplifier is easy and takes just a few moments. Follow this guide to get started.

The guide also applies to upgrading from old versions of Beocreate software. Because Beocreate 2 is all-new, settings from the old installation can't be preserved.

Download and install

  1. Beocreate 2 is part of HiFiBerryOS. Go to the HiFiBerryOS download page to download the correct version for your Raspberry Pi. Unpack the downloaded zip archive.
  2. Use Etcher or another similar tool to write the HiFiBerryOS image to an SD card that's 4 GB or larger. Note: if the card contains a previous Beocreate software version or any other data, it will be erased.
  3. When done, safely remove the card from your computer or SD card reader.

Slot in and power up

  1. Insert the card to the slot on the Raspberry Pi.
  2. Connect Beocreate 4-Channel Amplifier to power, either via the barrel jack or the screw terminals, using a DC power adapter with 12-24 V output.
  3. The Raspberry Pi should begin starting up, with green light blinking.

Set up

It may take a couple of minutes for Beocreate 2 to start up.

  1. If you're setting up via Wi-Fi, wait for the setup network to appear. It should look like Beocreate_Setup_ab12cd3. Once the setup network appears, connect to it. If you're setting up via Ethernet, just connect the product to your network.
  2. When you're connected, point your web browser to http://beocreate.local. Having trouble with this step?
  3. You should now be greeted with the setup assistant.
  • Choose your country.
  • Set up Wi-Fi (if you're using the product wirelessly).
  • Choose a speaker preset for your speaker to optimise the sound.
  • Name your speaker.

When you tap/click Finish Setup, the product is ready to play.

Start playing and exploring

  • Find out the different ways you can play music through your speakers in the Sources screen.
  • Beocreate 2 comes with powerful tools for curating your sound. You can find these in the Sound screen. Quickly tweak the sound with listening modes or go in depth with parametric equalisers (perfect for your own custom speakers!).

Access setup interface again

  • Point your web browser to an address made up of your speaker name and .local. Note: special/accented/Scandinavian characters (e.g. åäöø) will be removed and spaces replaced with hyphens. For example, a speaker named Beo Keittiö can be reached at beo-keitti.local.

Let us know what you think!

Are you new to Beocreate or did you upgrade from an old version? Find us on Twitter or Instagram @beocreate and share your story!