Example project for creating a Propogating Datolog. Maybe. I might be lying and this is example data for something else entirely. Who knows?
Right now all the tasks are stored in catalog.cljc
and the onyx job is initialized in init.cljc
. These are the files you need to look at to change the compute-graph.
Open a terminal and type lein repl
to start a Clojure REPL
(interactive prompt).
In the REPL, type
(in-ns 'propolog-example.repl)
Open a terminal and type lein repl
to start a Clojure REPL
(interactive prompt).
In the REPL, type
The call to (run)
starts the Figwheel server at port 3449, which takes care of
live reloading ClojureScript code and CSS. Figwheel's server will also act as
your app server, so requests are correctly forwarded to the http-handler you
Running (browser-repl)
starts the Figwheel ClojureScript REPL. Evaluating
expressions here will only work once you've loaded the page, so the browser can
connect to Figwheel.
When you see the line Successfully compiled "resources/public/app.js" in 21.36 seconds.
, you're ready to go. Browse to http://localhost:3449
and enjoy.
Attention: It is not needed to run lein figwheel
separately. Instead we
launch Figwheel directly from the REPL
Chestnut will have more details about how to hook into Lighttable or emacs/CIDER etc.
Copyright © 2017 Brian Marco
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
Created with Chestnut 0.14.0 (66af6f40).