Adds tracing to requests generated by Flask apps.
@petitioners.register_flask_app('X-Request-Trace', 'Trace-')
class FlaskApp(flask.Flask):
app = FlaskApp('name')
# or if you prefer not to use a decorator
Requests to app
will now generate response with headers tagged like
X-Request-Trace: Trace-123123
If this header already exists then it will be appended to like
X-Request-Trace: Trace-123123,Trace-123432
The current trace value can be accessed from app
via the petitioners
>>> import flask
>>> import petitioners
>>> app = flask.Flask('name')
>>> petitioners.Petitioner.register(app)
>>> app.test_request_context().push()
>>> print flask.current_app.petitioners
<Petitioner (<Flask 'name'>)X-Petitioners=[u'OHM-c92bffaf1b27497aad73a1cb02b22059']>