iOS library for tokenizing credit card and bank accounts with Balanced Payments.
Current version : 1.0.1
v1.x requires Balanced API 1.1. Use v0.x for Balanced API 1.0.
Please refer to the following documentation sections for field documentation:
It's also recommended to review the best practices section of the Balanced documentation.
- CoreTelephony.framework
- Download the pre-built library.
- Add balanced.a to your project and to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.
- Add CoreTelephony.framework to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.
The includes folder is automatically included in the project's header search path.
- Copy the include folder to your project (or include/balanced to your existing include folder). Drag the folder to your project to add the references.
If you copy the files to a location other than includes you'll probably need to add the path to User Header Search Paths in your project settings.
You can copy the headers directly into your project and add them as direct references.
- Drag the contents of include/balanced to your project (select copy if needed)
#import "Balanced.h" - Tokenizing methods
#import "BPBankAccount.h" - Bank Accounts
#import "BPCard.h" - Cards
Instantiate a balanced instance. Balanced instances do not need a marketplace URI since Balanced API 1.1 no longer requires authenticated tokenization. For you this means you'll get back a response containing a card href and other attributes. Send the href to your server.
Balanced *balanced = [[Balanced alloc] init];
Please refer to the official Balanced documentation for field documentation.
Balanced *balanced = [[Balanced alloc] init];
[balanced createCardWithNumber:@"4242424242424242"
onSuccess:^(NSDictionary *response) {
onError:^(NSError *error) {
Use an NSDictionary for additional card fields you wish to specify.
NSDictionary *optionalFields = @{
BPCardOptionalParamNameKey:@"Johann Bernoulli",
BPCardOptionalParamStreetAddressKey:@"123 Main Street",
Balanced *balanced = [[Balanced alloc] init];
[balanced createCardWithNumber:@"4242424242424242"
onSuccess:^(NSDictionary *response) {
onError:^(NSError *error) {
"cards": [
"href": "/cards/CC2sx82S4zn4ECxbOloIRDxS",
"id": "CC2sx82S4zn4ECxbOloIRDxS",
"links": {}
"links": {},
"status_code": 201
Balanced *balanced = [[Balanced alloc] init];
[balanced createBankAccountWithRoutingNumber:@"053101273"
name:@"Johann Bernoulli"
onSuccess:^(NSDictionary *responseParams) {
onError:^(NSError *error) {
Use an NSDictionary for additional card fields you wish to specify.
NSDictionary *optionalFields = @{ BPCardOptionalParamMetaKey:@"Test" };
Balanced *balanced = [[Balanced alloc] init];
[balanced createBankAccountWithRoutingNumber:@"053101273"
name:@"Johann Bernoulli"
onSuccess:^(NSDictionary *responseParams) {
onError:^(NSError *error) {
"bank_accounts": [
"href": "/bank_accounts/BA7uJx0yPIqAZXxpiKq5LY2y",
"id": "BA7uJx0yPIqAZXxpiKq5LY2y",
"links": {}
"links": {},
"status_code": 201
Please include tests with all new code. Also, all existing tests must pass before new code can be merged.