Database classifications:
RDBMS - Vertical scaling
ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (applies to transaction)
Distributed Databases - Horizontal scaling
CAP Theorem - Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance - Can have only 2 at a time
BASE - Basically available soft-state Eventually consistent (totally opposite to ACID)
Availability + Consistency -> Oracle / MySQL / PostgresQL, DB2, SQL Server etc
Consistency + Partition Tolerance -> HBase, MongoDB, Redis BigTable, ZooKeeper etc
Availability + Partition Tolerance -> Cassandra, CouchBase, DynamoDB, DNS Server etc
Consistency <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Availability
Modern DBs want to be somewhere in-between the above 2 ends
All projects in this section use the 1M dataset from the movielens website and the link is given in the reference section
This is a benchmarking tool for many databases that are available in the market today