This is a course example for "Application Development Technology", powered by Bailey :)
Server-side browser push technologies have been around for a while in one way or another, ranging from crude browser polling to Flash enabled frameworks. There are so many evolution and mechanics of server-push technologies, including:
- Server streaming
- Polling and long Polling
- Comet
- Web Sockets
- Server-sent Events
In this example, we will use the Web Sockets to build a traditional poker game, known as "Landlord Fighter". The rules of the game can be searched on Baidu.
Build the PHP runtime environment. For simplicity, you can download and install phpStudy. (Maybe you need to configure the
listening port
) -
orgit clone
this project into the Web-Root folder. eg. D:/phpStudy/WWW -
to start the WebSocket service. -
Now, you can play the game at http://localhost/Poker.
Some toolkits/libraries were used in this project, including:
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- AngularJS
- angular-ui-bootstrap
- AngularJS Toaster
- jquery-confirm
- Workerman - This is a PHP Socket framework
Ok, that all, Enjoy!