A simple CLI-script that automatically delete open branch in gitlab.
Script check all opened branches and if branch start from numbers
(for example 123-example-branch
) check issue status (issue #123).
If issue was closed, that branch will delete.
It is also possible to send notifications to Rocket.Chat.
Available arguments:
glurl - Gitlab URL
gltoken - Gitlab Token
glproject - Project ID in Gitlab
rurl - Rocket.Chat URL
ruser - rocketchat username
rpass - password of rocketuser
rch - rocketchat channel to notify
go build -o deletebranch main.go
./deletebranch -glurl gitlab.dev -gltoken aaaaBBBBcccc1111 -glproject 1
Example with Rocket.Chat
go build -o deletebranch main.go
./deletebranch -glurl gitlab.dev -gltoken aaaaBBBBcccc1111 -glproject 1 -rurl https://rocket.company.io -ruser bot -rpass botpass -rch rocketchannel
Thats all.
PS If you need notify in another messenger, open issue.