The proposal here is to understand the willpower of the candidates and how far you can go. Feel free to solve it using technologies that you want
Imagine that a user need to know your latitude and longitude but, the unique things that knows is the address name, number, city, state and country.
- How you will solve it? Fell free to use any programming language or technology and external services.
- The user can do it a lot of times so, guarantee a fast response time would be cool.
- Think, if the service that you use to get lat long goes down, how to keep delivering the recent queries that the user did.
- Would be cool if the user can save your favorite locations about addresses queried.
- Internally we would want a graphic to look quantity of requests per days and other metrics that you think to could important.
Your curiosity to bring solutions to the project, how you learn, ask for help if something is blocking you and do you code.
You don't need to implement the solucion of end to end, but two things thas will be really to have is, a text or audio explain how you imagine a great solution for this challenge.
We don't expect anything from you, we just want to evaluate your experience and knowledge until here to know-how guide you to your next level. So use and abuse all your knowledge to build this project/solution.
Open a PR (Pull Request) and submit it.