This addon enables Stripe payments on your Lunar storefront.
This addon is currently in Alpha, whilst every step is taken to ensure this is working as intended, it will not be considered out of Alpha until more tests have been added and proved.
- Successful charge response from Stripe.
- Unsuccessful charge response from Stripe.
- Test
config reacts appropriately. - Test
config reacts appropriately. - Ensure transactions are stored correctly in the database
- Ensure that the payment intent is not duplicated when using the same Cart
- Ensure appropriate responses are returned based on Stripe's responses.
- Test refunds and partial refunds create the expected transactions
- Make sure we can manually release a payment or part payment and handle the different responses.
- Lunar
- A Stripe account with secret and public keys
- Laravel Livewire (if using frontend components)
- Alpinejs (if using frontend components)
- Javascript framework
composer require lunarphp/stripe
This will publish the configuration under config/lunar/stripe.php
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lunar.stripe.config
Lunar Stripe comes with some helper components for you to use on your checkout, if you intend to edit the views they provide, you can publish them.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lunar.stripe.components
Set the driver in config/lunar/payments.php
return [
// ...
'types' => [
'card' => [
// ...
'driver' => 'stripe',
Make sure you have the Stripe credentials set in config/services.php
'stripe' => [
'key' => env('STRIPE_SECRET'),
'public_key' => env('STRIPE_PK'),
'webhooks' => [
Keys can be found in your Stripe account
Below is a list of the available configuration options this package uses in config/lunar/stripe.php
Key | Default | Description |
policy |
automatic |
Determines the policy for taking payments and whether you wish to capture the payment manually later or take payment straight away. Available options manual or automatic |
use \Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
Stripe::createIntent(\Lunar\Models\Cart $cart, $options = []);
This method will create a Stripe PaymentIntent from a Cart and add the resulting ID to the meta for retrieval later. If a PaymentIntent already exists for a cart this will fetch it from Stripe and return that instead to avoid duplicate PaymentIntents being created.
You can pass any additional parameters you need, by default the following are sent:
'amount' => 1099,
'currency' => 'GBP',
'automatic_payment_methods' => ['enabled' => true],
'capture_method' => config('lunar.stripe.policy', 'automatic'),
// If a shipping address exists on a cart
// $shipping = $cart->shippingAddress
'shipping' => [
'name' => "{$shipping->first_name} {$shipping->last_name}",
'phone' => $shipping->contact_phone,
'address' => [
'city' => $shipping->city,
'country' => $shipping->country->iso2,
'line1' => $shipping->line_one,
'line2' => $shipping->line_two,
'postal_code' => $shipping->postcode,
'state' => $shipping->state,
$paymentIntentId = $cart->meta['payment_intent']; // The resulting ID from the method above.
use \Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
If a payment intent has been created and there are changes to the cart, you will want to update the intent so it has the correct totals.
use \Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
Stripe::syncIntent(\Lunar\Models\Cart $cart);
For when you want to update certain properties on the PaymentIntent, without needing to recalculate the cart.
use \Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
Stripe::updateIntent(\Lunar\Models\Cart $cart, [
'shipping' => [/*..*/]
If you need to cancel a PaymentIntent, you can do so. You will need to provide a valid reason, those of which can be found in the Stripe docs:
Lunar Stripe includes a PHP Enum to make this easier for you:
use Lunar\Stripe\Enums\CancellationReason;
use Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
use Lunar\Stripe\Enums\CancellationReason;
Stripe::cancelIntent(\Lunar\Models\Cart $cart, CancellationReason $reason);
So you don't have to manually specify all the shipping address fields you can use the helper function to do it for you.
use \Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
Stripe::updateShippingAddress(\Lunar\Models\Cart $cart);
use \Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
Stripe::getCharge(string $chargeId);
use \Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
Stripe::getCharges(string $paymentIntentId);
The add-on provides an optional webhook you may add to Stripe. You can read the guide on how to do this on the Stripe website
The events you should listen to are payment_intent.payment_failed
, payment_intent.succeeded
The path to the webhook will be http:://
You can customise the path for the webhook in config/lunar/stripe.php
You will also need to add the webhook signing secret to the services.php
config file:
return [
// ...
'stripe' => [
// ...
'webhooks' => [
'payment_intent' => '...'
If you do not wish to use the webhook, or would like to manually process an order as well, you are able to do so.
$cart = CartSession::current();
// With a draft order...
$draftOrder = $cart->createOrder();
'payment_intent' => $draftOrder->meta['payment_intent'],
// Using just the cart...
'payment_intent' => $cart->meta['payment_intent'],
First we need to set up the backend API call to fetch or create the intent, this isn't Vue specific but will likely be different if you're using Livewire.
use \Lunar\Stripe\Facades\Stripe;
Route::post('api/payment-intent', function () {
$cart = CartSession::current();
$cartData = CartData::from($cart);
if ($paymentIntent = $cartData->meta['payment_intent'] ?? false) {
$intent = StripeFacade::fetchIntent($paymentIntent);
} else {
$intent = StripeFacade::createIntent($cart);
if ($intent->amount != $cart->total->value) {
return $intent;
This is just using Stripe's payment elements, for more information check out the Stripe guides
<script setup>
const { VITE_STRIPE_PK } = import.meta.env
const stripe = Stripe(VITE_STRIPE_PK)
const stripeElements = ref({})
const buildForm = async () => {
const { data } = await"api/payment-intent")
stripeElements.value = stripe.elements({
clientSecret: data.client_secret,
const paymentElement = stripeElements.value.create("payment", {
layout: "tabs",
defaultValues: {
billingDetails: {
name: `{$billingAddress.value.first_name} {$billingAddress.value?.last_name}`,
phone: billingAddress.value?.contact_phone,
fields: {
billingDetails: "never",
onMounted(async () => {
await buildForm()
// The address object can be either passed through as props or via a second API call, but it should likely come from the cart.
const submit = async () => {
try {
const address = {...}
const { error } = await stripe.confirmPayment({
//`Elements` instance that was used to create the Payment Element
elements: stripeElements.value,
confirmParams: {
return_url: '',
payment_method_data: {
billing_details: {
name: `{$address.first_name} {$address.last_name}`,
email: address.contact_email,
phone: address.contact_phone,
address: {
line1: address.line_one,
line2: address.line_two,
postal_code: address.postcode,
state: address.state,
} catch (e) {
<form @submit.prevent="submit">
<div id="payment-element">
<!--Stripe.js injects the Payment Element-->
Contributions are welcome, if you are thinking of adding a feature, please submit an issue first so we can determine whether it should be included.
A MockClient class is used to mock responses the Stripe API will return.