SqlClient supports zoneId configuration, which can parse date data based on the time zone of the database instead of the time zone of the current JVM
Formula company attributes support associated attributes, see the following two examples (take kt as an example)
@Formulat(depenedencies = ["authors"])
val authorCount: Int
get() = authors.size()
@Formula(dependencies = ["authors.firstName", "authors.lastName"])
val authorNames: List<String>
get() = authors.map { "${it.firstName} ${it.lastName}" }
Support ImmutableCompanion for kotlin
interface TreeNode {
... omit properties...
companion object: ImmutableCompanion
If you declare this companion object with the selection as an immutable interface, you can build the immutable object using the golang struct initialization style
val treeNode = TreeNode {
name = "etc"
childNodes = listOf(
TreeNode {
name = "host"
TreeNode {
name = "man.conf"
The corresponding example 'kotlin/jimmer-core-kt' has been modified
Fixed the bug that embeddable does not use flat mode in specification of DTO language
Kotlin can only be ToOne and Embeddable syntactic sugar
Previous code
store().apply { name = "MANING" website = "https://www.maning.com" }
Code now
store {
name = "MANING"
website = "https://www.maning.com"
- Update the Discord Link to a link that does not expire