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neil new: Add support for deps-based templates (#51)
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rads authored Jul 31, 2022
1 parent ea8d290 commit 805f578
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Showing 5 changed files with 485 additions and 97 deletions.
259 changes: 212 additions & 47 deletions neil
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Expand Up @@ -17,18 +17,15 @@
(ns babashka.neil
{:no-doc true})

(require '[babashka.classpath :as cp]
'[babashka.cli :as cli]
(require '[babashka.cli :as cli]
'[babashka.curl :as curl]
'[babashka.fs :as fs]
'[borkdude.rewrite-edn :as r]
'[cheshire.core :as cheshire]
'[clojure.edn :as edn]
'[clojure.set :as set]
'[clojure.string :as str])

;; deps-new reads classpath from property
(System/setProperty "java.class.path" (cp/get-classpath))

(def spec {:lib {:desc "Fully qualified library name."}
:version {:desc "Optional. When not provided, picks newest version from Clojars or Maven Central."}
:sha {:desc "When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo."}
Expand All @@ -42,15 +39,17 @@
:deps-file {:ref "<file>"
:desc "Add to <file> instead of deps.edn."
:default "deps.edn"}
:limit {:coerce :long}
:limit {:coerce :long}})


(def version "0.0.33")

(def windows? (str/includes? (System/getProperty "") "Windows"))

(def bb? (System/getProperty "babashka.version"))

(defn url-encode [s] (URLEncoder/encode s "UTF-8"))

(def curl-opts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,11 +112,19 @@
(namespace lib) (name lib) branch))

(defn latest-github-tag [lib]
(defn list-github-tags [lib]
(let [lib (clean-github-lib lib)]
(curl-get-json (format ""
(namespace lib) (name lib))))))
(curl-get-json (format ""
(namespace lib) (name lib)))))

(defn latest-github-tag [lib]
(-> (list-github-tags lib)

(defn find-github-tag [lib tag]
(->> (list-github-tags lib)
(filter #(= (:name %) tag))

(def deps-template
(str/triml "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,36 +380,195 @@
:version (:version search-result)
:description (pr-str (:description search-result))))))

(def deps-new-opts
[; main opts

; optional overrides

(defn run-deps-new [{:keys [opts]}]
(let [{:keys [template]
:or {template "scratch"}} opts
template-fn (requiring-resolve (symbol "" template))]
(template-fn (dissoc opts :template))
(defn- built-in-template?
"Returns true if the template name maps to a function in"
(contains? (set (map name (keys (ns-publics ' template))

(defn- github-repo-http-url [lib]
(str "" (clean-github-lib lib)))

(def github-repo-ssh-regex #"^[email protected]:([^/]+)/([^\.]+)\.git$")
(def github-repo-http-regex #"^[^/]+)/([^\.]+)(\.git)?$")

(defn- parse-git-url [git-url]
(let [[[_ gh-user repo-name]] (or (re-seq github-repo-ssh-regex git-url)
(re-seq github-repo-http-regex git-url))]
(if (and gh-user repo-name)
{:gh-user gh-user :repo-name repo-name}
(throw (ex-info "Failed to parse :git/url" {:git/url git-url})))))

(defn- git-url->lib-sym [git-url]
(when-let [{:keys [gh-user repo-name]} (parse-git-url git-url)]
(symbol (str "io.github." gh-user) repo-name)))

(def lib-opts->template-deps-fn
"A map to define valid CLI options for deps-new template deps.
- Each key is a sequence of valid combinations of CLI opts.
- Each value is a function which returns a tools.deps lib map."
(fn [lib-sym lib-opts]
{lib-sym (select-keys lib-opts [:local/root])})

[#{} #{:git/url}]
(fn [lib-sym lib-opts]
(let [url (or (:git/url lib-opts) (github-repo-http-url lib-sym))
{:keys [name commit]} (latest-github-tag (git-url->lib-sym url))]
{lib-sym {:git/url url :git/tag name :git/sha (:sha commit)}}))

[#{:git/tag} #{:git/url :git/tag}]
(fn [lib-sym lib-opts]
(let [url (or (:git/url lib-opts) (github-repo-http-url lib-sym))
tag (:git/tag lib-opts)
{:keys [commit]} (find-github-tag (git-url->lib-sym url) tag)]
{lib-sym {:git/url url :git/tag tag :git/sha (:sha commit)}}))

[#{:git/sha} #{:git/url :git/sha}]
(fn [lib-sym lib-opts]
(let [url (or (:git/url lib-opts) (github-repo-http-url lib-sym))
sha (:git/sha lib-opts)]
{lib-sym {:git/url url :git/sha sha}}))

[#{:latest-sha} #{:git/url :latest-sha}]
(fn [lib-sym lib-opts]
(let [url (or (:git/url lib-opts) (github-repo-http-url lib-sym))
sha (latest-github-sha (git-url->lib-sym url))]
{lib-sym {:git/url url :git/sha sha}}))

[#{:git/url :git/tag :git/sha}]
(fn [lib-sym lib-opts]
{lib-sym (select-keys lib-opts [:git/url :git/tag :git/sha])})})

(def valid-lib-opts
"The set of all valid combinations of deps-new template deps opts."
(into #{} cat (keys lib-opts->template-deps-fn)))

(defn- deps-new-cli-opts->lib-opts
"Returns parsed deps-new template deps opts from raw CLI opts."
(-> cli-opts
(set/rename-keys {:sha :git/sha})
(select-keys (into #{} cat valid-lib-opts))))

(defn- invalid-lib-opts-error [provided-lib-opts]
(ex-info (str "Provided invalid combination of CLI options for deps-new "
"template deps.")
{:provided-opts (set (keys provided-lib-opts))
:valid-combinations valid-lib-opts}))

(defn- find-template-deps-fn
"Returns a template-deps-fn given lib-opts parsed from raw CLI opts."
(some (fn [[k v]] (and (contains? (set k) (set (keys lib-opts))) v))

(defn- template-deps
"Returns a tools.deps lib map for the given CLI opts."
[template cli-opts]
(let [lib-opts (deps-new-cli-opts->lib-opts cli-opts)
lib-sym (edn/read-string template)
template-deps-fn (find-template-deps-fn lib-opts)]
(if-not template-deps-fn
(throw (invalid-lib-opts-error lib-opts))
(template-deps-fn lib-sym lib-opts))))

(def create-opts-deny-list
[:deps-file :dry-run :git/sha :git/url :latest-sha :local/root :sha])

(defn- deps-new-plan
"Returns a plan for calling
:template-deps - These deps will be added with babashka.deps/add-deps before
calling the create function.
:create-opts - This map contains the options that will be passed to the
create function."
(let [create-opts (merge {:template "scratch"}
(apply dissoc cli-opts create-opts-deny-list))
tpl-deps (when (and bb? (not (built-in-template? (:template create-opts))))
(template-deps (:template create-opts) cli-opts))]
(merge (when tpl-deps {:template-deps tpl-deps})
{:create-opts create-opts})))

(defn- deps-new-create [create-opts]
((requiring-resolve ' create-opts))

(defn print-new-help []
(println (str/trim "
Usage: neil new [template] [name] [target-dir] [options]
Runs the function from deps-new.
All of the deps-new options can be provided as CLI options:
Both built-in and external templates are supported. Built-in templates use
unqualified names (e.g. scratch) whereas external templates use fully-qualified
names (e.g. io.github.kit/kit-clj).
If an external template is provided, the babashka.deps/add-deps function will be
called automatically before running The deps for the
template are inferred automatically from the template name. The following
options can be used to control the add-deps behavior:
Override the :deps map to use the provided :local/root path.
Override the :git/url in the :deps map. If no URL is provided, a template
name starting with io.github or com.github is expected and the URL will
point to GitHub.
Override the :git/tag in the :deps map. If no SHA or tag is provided, the
latest tag from the default branch of :git/url will be used.
Override the :git/sha in the :deps map. If no SHA or tag is provided, the
latest tag from the default branch of :git/url will be used.
Override the :git/sha in the :deps map with the latest SHA from the
default branch of :git/url.")))

(defn- deps-new-set-classpath
"Sets the java.class.path property.
This is required by In Clojure it's set by default,
but in Babashka it must be set explicitly."
(let [classpath ((requiring-resolve 'babashka.classpath/get-classpath))]
(System/setProperty "java.class.path" classpath)))

(defn- deps-new-add-template-deps
"Adds template deps at runtime."
((requiring-resolve 'babashka.deps/add-deps) {:deps template-deps}))

(defn run-deps-new
"Runs using the provided CLI options.
To support the dry run feature, side-effects should be described in the plan
provided by deps-new-plan. This function's job is to execute side-effects
using the plan to provide repeatability."
[{:keys [opts]}]
(if (:help opts)
(require '
(let [plan (deps-new-plan opts)
{:keys [template-deps create-opts]} plan]
(if (:dry-run opts)
(do (prn plan) nil)
(when template-deps (deps-new-add-template-deps template-deps))
(when bb? (deps-new-set-classpath))
(deps-new-create create-opts)

(defn print-help [_]
(println (str/trim "
Expand All @@ -426,14 +592,13 @@ dep
add: Adds --lib, a fully qualified symbol, to deps.edn :deps.
Run neil add dep --help to see all options.
new: Create a new project using deps-new
Runs one of the template functions in
See the deps-new docs for all available options:
Create a project using deps-new
Run neil new --help to see all options.
neil new scratch foo --overwrite
neil new io.github.rads/neil-new-test-template foo2 --latest-sha
list Lists commonly-used licenses available to be added to project. Takes an optional search string to filter results.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,7 +668,7 @@ license
{:cmds ["license" "list"] :fn license-search :cmds-opts [:search-term]}
{:cmds ["license" "search"] :fn license-search :cmds-opts [:search-term]}
{:cmds ["license" "add"] :fn add-license :cmds-opts [:license]}
{:cmds ["new"] :fn run-deps-new :cmds-opts deps-new-opts}
{:cmds ["new"] :fn run-deps-new :cmds-opts [:template :name :target-dir]}
{:cmds ["version"] :fn print-version}
{:cmds ["help"] :fn print-help}
{:cmds [] :fn (fn [{:keys [opts] :as m}]
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