It is the Social site webapp developed with Django, python.
Viscous is a social networking web app that runs on a browser which is created with an aim for solving social networking problems digitally specially designed with a concept for the students of the college. In this app people can share information about each other add their personal shareable information, mails, thoughts, given assignments notices and everything that is possible The report is made to show the structure of this web app its functional and nonfunctional requirements, how the models are managed, how data are extracted and handled in a database especially using sqlite, the design of the web app and further extension plans. This project encourages us to view existing similar platforms, make use of modern extensions and specially add problem-solving features. The project development follows the waterfall model but not strictly there is is always room for improvement and new features could easily be added without compromising the previous build the whole web app is developed with the use of HTML, JavaScript, CSS with python as the backbone programming language and its popular framework Django. The further extension is made possible due to compact development within the framework due to its facility of packaging apps for reusability.
Viscous social web app is a browser based software application system, it will provide various functional and non-functional requirements for:
- Being hub for people with interests
- View the recent information post
- Know each other’s view and share knowledge
- Have contact information of each other
- Announcing events
The project idea took the real form when there arrived a problem for sharing information of classroom and college events with fellow students among each other. There is no proper platform provided by college where student-student and teacher-student could share information with each other. There is no direct communication between teacher and student when needed. Most of the information is shared through messaging apps which aren't commonly used by everybody and not everyone does have an account. Therefore, circulation of information to everyone is difficult and in such a chat all information gets lost among other communication messages. Neither one can share their knowledge and views and social messages reaching everyone.
- Share information among each other
- Get notified about recent activities
- Reduce communication distance and delay
This is the structure which defines the functionality to the templates designed. The viscous web app would be using:
- Python as the main programming language. Python programming language is very scalable,easy to understand, implement and maintain codes.
- Django Framework as a backbone for data managing and view controls development. Django is a large framework that helps to create error-free, packageable, maintainable apps within the same project. It has well maintained documentation in each and every thing used in the framework.
- SQlite as a main database for the web app. SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a C library. In contrast to many other database management systems, SQLite is not a client–server database engine. Rather, it is embedded into the end program. SQLite is ACID-compliant and implements most of the SQL standard, generally following PostgreSQL syntax.
- MVC which is an architectural pattern that separates the application into three logical components: model, view and controller. Each of these components is built to handle specific development aspects of an application. It is one of the most frequently used industry standard web development frameworks to create scalable and extensible projects.
🚀 To install in your local machine follow the steps below:
- Clone this repo to your local machine using
Goto to your terminal and type:
git clone
- Inside your cloned folder create a virtual environment with venv and activate it
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
which puts you inside virtual environment like this:
Now install the requirements:
(venv)$pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the project
Now to run the project type in your terminal:
(venv)$python runserver
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Feel free to file a new issue with a respective title and description on the the azwyane/visvous repository. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request!