A React component with the bottom sheet experience we have for native mobile applications, but for web ✨
npm install react-draggable-bottom-sheet
The component requires its CSS styles to be imported separately. Add the following import to your application:
import "react-draggable-bottom-sheet/dist/styles.css";
import BottomSheet from "react-draggable-bottom-sheet";
const NiceComponent = () => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const close = () => setIsOpen(false);
return (
<BottomSheet isOpen={isOpen} close={close}>
// your UI code here
In case you want some places to not drag the bottom sheet, just put the `data-no-drag`` data attribute on the tag.
<BottomSheet isOpen={isOpen} close={close}>
<div data-no-drag>don't drag the bottom sheet</div>
<div>here you can drag it</div>
To set up the development environment, follow these steps:
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start
To test the library in a React project, follow these steps:
Link the library in the repository root:
npm link
Link the library in your React project:
npm link react-draggable-bottom-sheet
Now you can import and use the library in your React project for testing purposes.
Alternatively, you can also put the path straight to the root folder of the library if you prefer not to link:
//in your app's package.json
"react-draggable-bottom-sheet": <path-to-lib>