Mutakhir ini perkembangan dalam persekitaran frontend berlaku begitu pesat sekali. Justeru itu kebanyakan pelayar moden telahpun menyediakan API yang memadai untuk pengaksesan DOM/BOM. Kita tak payah lagi belajar jQuery dari asas untuk memanipulasi DOM dan acara-acara. Projek ini menawarkan perlaksanaan alternatif kepada kebanyakan kaedah-kaedah jQuery yang menyokong IE 10+.
- 한국어
- 简体中文
- Bahasa Melayu
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Português(PT-BR)
- Tiếng Việt Nam
- Español
- Русский
- Кыргызча
- Türkçe
- Italiano
- Français
- 日本語
- Polski
Pemilihan elemen yang umum seperti class, id atau atribut, biasanya kita boleh pakai document.querySelector
atau document.querySelectorAll
sebagai ganti. Bezanya terletak pada
akan mengembalikan elemen pertama sekali yang sepadan dijumpaidocument.querySelectorAll
akan mengembalikan kesemua elemen yang sepadan dijumpai kedalam sebuah NodeList. Ia boleh ditukar kedalam bentuk array menggunakan[]
- Sekiranya tiada elemen yang sepadan dijumpai, jQuery akan mengembalikan
dimana API DOM pula akan mengembalikannull
. Sila ambil perhatian pada Null Pointer Exception
agak LEMBAB berbandinggetElementById
jika anda menginginkan bonus dari segi prestasi.
1.1 Pemilihan menggunakan class
// jQuery $('.css'); // Native document.querySelectorAll('.css');
1.2 Pemilihan menggunakan id
// jQuery $('#id'); // Native document.querySelector('#id');
1.3 Pemilihan menggunakan atribut
// jQuery $('a[target=_blank]'); // Native document.querySelectorAll('a[target=_blank]');
1.4 Cari sth.
Find nodes
// jQuery $el.find('li'); // Native el.querySelectorAll('li');
Cari body
// jQuery $('body'); // Native document.body;
Cari Attribute
// jQuery $el.attr('foo'); // Native e.getAttribute('foo');
Cari atribut data
// jQuery $'foo'); // Native // menggunakan getAttribute el.getAttribute('data-foo'); // anda boleh juga gunakan `dataset` jika ingin pakai IE 11+ el.dataset['foo'];
1.5 Sibling/Previous/Next Elements
Sibling elements
// jQuery $el.siblings(); // Native [], function(child) { return child !== el; });
Previous elements
// jQuery $el.prev(); // Native el.previousElementSibling;
Next elements
// next $; el.nextElementSibling;
1.6 Closest
Return the first matched element by provided selector, traversing from current element to document.
// jQuery $el.closest(queryString); // Native function closest(el, selector) { const matchesSelector = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector; while (el) { if (, selector)) { return el; } else { el = el.parentElement; } } return null; }
1.7 Parents Until
Get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, up to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object.
// jQuery $el.parentsUntil(selector, filter); // Native function parentsUntil(el, selector, filter) { const result = []; const matchesSelector = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector; // match start from parent el = el.parentElement; while (el && !, selector)) { if (!filter) { result.push(el); } else { if (, filter)) { result.push(el); } } el = el.parentElement; } return result; }
1.8 Form
// jQuery $('#my-input').val(); // Native document.querySelector('#my-input').value;
Get index of e.currentTarget between
// jQuery $(e.currentTarget).index('.radio'); // Native []'.radio'), e.currentTarget);
1.9 Iframe Contents
for this specific iframe-
Iframe contents
// jQuery $iframe.contents(); // Native iframe.contentDocument;
Iframe Query
// jQuery $iframe.contents().find('.css'); // Native iframe.contentDocument.querySelectorAll('.css');
2.1 CSS
Get style
// jQuery $el.css("color"); // Native // NOTE: Known bug, will return 'auto' if style value is 'auto' const win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView; // null means not return presudo styles win.getComputedStyle(el, null).color;
Set style
// jQuery $el.css({ color: "#ff0011" }); // Native = '#ff0011';
Get/Set Styles
Note that if you want to set multiple styles once, you could refer to setStyles method in oui-dom-utils package.
Add class
// jQuery $el.addClass(className); // Native el.classList.add(className);
Remove class
// jQuery $el.removeClass(className); // Native el.classList.remove(className);
has class
// jQuery $el.hasClass(className); // Native el.classList.contains(className);
Toggle class
// jQuery $el.toggleClass(className); // Native el.classList.toggle(className);
2.2 Width & Height
Width and Height are theoretically identical, take Height as example:
Window height
// window height $(window).height(); // without scrollbar, behaves like jQuery window.document.documentElement.clientHeight; // with scrollbar window.innerHeight;
Document height
// jQuery $(document).height(); // Native document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
Element height
// jQuery $el.height(); // Native function getHeight(el) { const styles = this.getComputedStyles(el); const height = el.offsetHeight; const borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth); const borderBottomWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderBottomWidth); const paddingTop = parseFloat(styles.paddingTop); const paddingBottom = parseFloat(styles.paddingBottom); return height - borderBottomWidth - borderTopWidth - paddingTop - paddingBottom; } // accurate to integer(when `border-box`, it's `height - border`; when `content-box`, it's `height + padding`) el.clientHeight; // accurate to decimal(when `border-box`, it's `height`; when `content-box`, it's `height + padding + border`) el.getBoundingClientRect().height;
2.3 Position & Offset
// jQuery $el.position(); // Native { left: el.offsetLeft, top: el.offsetTop }
// jQuery $el.offset(); // Native function getOffset (el) { const box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: + window.pageYOffset - document.documentElement.clientTop, left: box.left + window.pageXOffset - document.documentElement.clientLeft } }
2.4 Scroll Top
// jQuery $(window).scrollTop(); // Native (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) || document.body.scrollTop;
3.1 Remove
// jQuery $el.remove(); // Native el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
3.2 Text
Get text
// jQuery $el.text(); // Native el.textContent;
Set text
// jQuery $el.text(string); // Native el.textContent = string;
3.3 HTML
// jQuery $el.html(); // Native el.innerHTML;
// jQuery $el.html(htmlString); // Native el.innerHTML = htmlString;
3.4 Append
append child element after the last child of parent element
// jQuery $el.append("<div id='container'>hello</div>"); // Native let newEl = document.createElement('div'); newEl.setAttribute('id', 'container'); newEl.innerHTML = 'hello'; el.appendChild(newEl);
3.5 Prepend
// jQuery $el.prepend("<div id='container'>hello</div>"); // Native let newEl = document.createElement('div'); newEl.setAttribute('id', 'container'); newEl.innerHTML = 'hello'; el.insertBefore(newEl, el.firstChild);
3.6 insertBefore
Insert a new node before the selected elements
// jQuery $newEl.insertBefore(queryString); // Native const target = document.querySelector(queryString); target.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, target);
3.7 insertAfter
Insert a new node after the selected elements
// jQuery $newEl.insertAfter(queryString); // Native const target = document.querySelector(queryString); target.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, target.nextSibling);
Replace with fetch and fetch-jsonp
For a complete replacement with namespace and delegation, refer to
5.1 Bind an event with on
// jQuery $el.on(eventName, eventHandler); // Native el.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler);
5.2 Unbind an event with off
// jQuery $, eventHandler); // Native el.removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler);
5.3 Trigger
// jQuery $(el).trigger('custom-event', {key1: 'data'}); // Native if (window.CustomEvent) { const event = new CustomEvent('custom-event', {detail: {key1: 'data'}}); } else { const event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); event.initCustomEvent('custom-event', true, true, {key1: 'data'}); } el.dispatchEvent(event);
6.1 isArray
// jQuery $.isArray(range); // Native Array.isArray(range);
6.2 Trim
// jQuery $.trim(string); // Native String.trim(string);
6.3 Object Assign
Extend, use object.assign polyfill
// jQuery $.extend({}, defaultOpts, opts); // Native Object.assign({}, defaultOpts, opts);
6.4 Contains
// jQuery $.contains(el, child); // Native el !== child && el.contains(child);
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