Replication data for Politicizing Trade: How Economic Discontent and Identity Politics Shape Anti-Trade Campaign Appeals
This repository contains the folder code
, which includes all scripts needed to be run in order to generate all data.
Recreating all tables and figures in this repository requires working installations of R. All this coded was tested R version 4.1.3 on a Mac Monterey.
All R code uses the following packages: dplyr, tidyverse, lfe, stargazer, broom, marginaleffects, modelsummary, readstata13, scales, foreign, countrycode, quantmod, lmtest, sandwich, matchit, cobalt
- Katitas_Ads_Merge_Data.R - Reads in data on televised political advertising from Wisconsin Advertising Project and Wesleyan Media Project, cleans and codes issues used in the paper.
- Katitas_DMAanalysis.R - Merges ad data with other data used in the project, creates the final analysis file
- Katitas_Figures.R - creates figures used in the paper
- dma_analysis - STATA do file for the regression analyses at the media market level.
- county_analysis - STATA do file for the regression analyses at the county level.