This is Horizontal Slider implemented using CSS & Javascript. You can easily use it in your application by following some simple steps. You can create slider for anything you want by using same css classes.
- Import the css file into your html page :-
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
- Add reference to the js file before the end of body tag :-
<script src=""></script>
- Follow the html structures as described below :-
<div class="slider-container">
<div class="slider-element">
<!-- Code for your html tags -->
<div class="slider-element">
<!-- Code for your html tags -->
<div class="slider-element">
<!-- Code for your html tags -->
- In order to customize width of any slider-element, provide custom value to min-width propery of that slider-element.
For demo and use cases, refer this file.
Demo is running live here.