This project uses Yeoman to manage workflow. So we need to install Yeoman first. Here is a short guide:
Install Node.js.
If you are on windows, you can go to Node.js official site, download and install following the wizard.
If you are on Mac OS, you can use Homebrew to install Node.js:
brew install nodejs
Install Yeoman. After Node.js has been installed. It's time to install Yeoman. Open up a command line window, and enter the following command:
npm install -g yo
Note the -g
(global) option.
Install Grunt. The build tool used by Yeoman.
npm install -g grunt-cli
Install Bower. Front-end dependency management tool.
npm install -g bower
Install Ruby. Required by compass.
Install Compass.
gem update --system gem install compass
Use RubyGems TaoBao, if you have problem in connecting to official gems site.
After setting up the development environment, we are ready to setup our project. First we need to checkout the project.
We host our project on the GitHub.Fortunately, GitHub supplies their clients for both Windows and Mac OSX platforms. So you can simply use the GitHub client to checkout the project.
You can also use git command line tools. Maybe you need to install git first if you have not has git installed on your system. Then, fire up a command line window:
git clone MobileWeb
Replace %username%
with your GitHub username.
Note, we use the team repository as our central repository shared by all team members. To avoid messing this repository up, we encourage you to fork this repo to your personal account. And when you are sure your code is ready to share with others, you can issue a pull request to the central repository. All team members can (and should review) this pull request.
Next, navigate to the project directory and install dependencies:
npm install
If you are on windows, you maybe encounter a error complain that failed to fetch PhamtomJS. This is a network issue, you can ignore this error now.
Install front-end dependencies:
bower install
All dependencies have been resolved.
OK. We are ready to go. Yeoman supplies a built-in server. You can run
grunt serve
to start this server. Yeoman watches files, if any modification happens then this server will reload automatic.