This is the first homework submitted for the Full Stack Web Development program.
The webpage is located here.
Contains code for a single static webpage. Slightly improves the original code on accessibility, functionality, and coding best practices.
First on the HTML file, I set indents to two spaces and eliminated unnecessary indents. I added a CSS file with the reset CSS block and referenced it on the HTML file. I replaced the title with a more descriptive one. I added the alt attributes to img blocks. On the CSS file, I got rid of some redundancy by consolidating code with multiple classes with the same attributes. Also I changed div tags to nav tags for something like the links on the top of the page because it just seems to fit better.
I made a couple of small visual changes. I had the links change color when it is focused or hovered on. Also I made a little spacing between the lines as to make better use of the space and improve readability.
Please refer to a demonstration of the functional links of the sections in the webpage here.