Clonning source code from repo
git clone <>
To add files into staging or to allow file to be tracked by git
git add <file_name>
Replace "[email protected]" with github email id
git config --global "[email protected]"
Replace "Your Name" with user name of github
git config --global "Your Name"
To perform commit
git commit -m "Write your message about your changes"
Rename current branch to main branch
git branch -M main
To list the branch name
git branch
To check remote branch url and variable name
git remote -v
To send changes to remote branch
git push <remote_branch_variable> <branch_name>
To remove file from staging area
git rm --cached <file_name>
To create conda run time environment for project
conda create -p venv python==3.7 -y
To activate conda environment for project
conda activate <./dir_nam>
Create a requirements.txt file
pip freeze>requirements.txt
To install jupyter lab
pip install jupyter lab
To launch jupyter lab
jupyter lab