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Simulator Settings

Vladislav Alekseev edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 8 revisions

Emcee can configure simulator prior running your tests.


This object controls various language and keyboard settings.

  • localeIdentifier string: defines UI locale
  • keyboards array of strings: defines what keyboards are enabled and disabled
  • passcodeKeyboards array of strings: defines what passcode keyboards are enabled and disabled
  • languages array of strings: defines UI language and fallback languages order
  • addingEmojiKeybordHandled bool: defines if emoji UI alert will appear or not
  • enableKeyboardExpansion bool: defines if keyboard is available
  • didShowInternationalInfoAlert bool: defines if international info alert will appear or not
  • didShowContinuousPathIntroduction bool: defines if a keyboard banner describing gesture based text input will appear or not
  • didShowGestureKeyboardIntroduction bool: defines if a yet another keyboard banner describing gesture based text input will appear or not


This object controls iOS watchdog settings. Watchdog service monitors your app behavior and terminates it if it does not start in time (20 seconds by default).

  • bundleIds array of strings: array of bundle IDs which timeout should be overriden
  • timeout int: timeout value in seconds


This object describes the settings to be applied to the keychain. This is optional field.

  • rootCerts array of URLs: these are the locations of the certificates which will be added to the trusted root store of the simulator keychain

Important note about URLs: any URL to any ZIP archive is expected to contain a reference to a file inside that archive. In fact, this URL is ResourceLocation entities. It is possible to append arbitrary HTTP headers as well, including for authentication. Please read more on URL Handling page.

Complete JSON Example

    "simulatorSettings": {
        "simulatorLocalizationSettings": {
            "localeIdentifier": "ru_US",
            "keyboards":  ["ru_RU@sw=Russian;hw=Automatic", "en_US@sw=QWERTY;hw=Automatic"],
            "passcodeKeyboards": ["ru_RU@sw=Russian;hw=Automatic", "en_US@sw=QWERTY;hw=Automatic"],
            "languages": ["ru-US", "en", "ru-RU"],
            "addingEmojiKeybordHandled": true,
            "enableKeyboardExpansion": true,
            "didShowInternationalInfoAlert": true,
            "didShowContinuousPathIntroduction": true,
            "didShowGestureKeyboardIntroduction": true
        "watchdogSettings": {
            "bundleIds": [""],
            "timeout": 42
        "simulatorKeychainSettings": {
            "rootCerts": [
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