Read the full detailed article here.
This project uses SQL to analyze Consumer Credit Card usage data. The goal of the project is to answer a set of questions about credit card usage and consumer spending habits. The results of the SQL queries can be found in the analysis.sql file.
To run this project on your machine you need to install any SQL-supported DBMS then follow the steps below:
- Create a database.
- Create tables using the schema diagram provided below.
- Import csv files provided in the dataset folder.
- Your database is ready, now practice your querying skills 👍
Note: If you are using MySQL then restore the backup files of the database and save yourself some time.
- MySQL Workbench 8.0
This dataset was downloaded from Kaggle click here to download.
You can use this dataset to build your own project and practice your querying skills.
The following are a few of the questions that are answered in the project (check out analysis.sql file for the rest):
- What is the average credit limit?
- Which type of credit card is most commonly used?
- What is the average age of credit card holders?
- What is the most common spending category?
- Which city has the highest amount of transactions?
The results of the questions are as follows:
- The average credit limit is "₹ 284700".
- The most commonly used credit card type is "Gold".
- The average age of credit card holders is "46 years".
- The most common spending category is "Petrol".
- The city that has the highest amount of transactions is "COCHIN".
The project was successful in answering a set of questions about the Consumer's Credit Card usage data. The results of the project can be used by the banks to make decisions about their consumer base and product offerings.