A simple, clean, and easy to use command system. Currently only compatible with the Bukkit API (And of course it's forks: Paper/Spigot).
You may include this via Maven, or add the jar itself.
a) Add the repository...
b) Add the dependency...
After including the depdency you may create commands as you wish. Be sure to start up the handler, or it won't work!
new CommandHandler(<Your plugin instance>);
Then commands are like so:
// Main Command
import com.perceivedstudios.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class KittensCmd extends Command
public KittensCmd()
public void execute(Player player, String[] args)
// Stuff
Of course you may also have 'sub-commands'.
import com.perceivedstudios.command.ChildCommand;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class ExtraKittensCmd extends ChildCommand
public ExtraKittensCmd(Command parent)
super(parent, "extra");
public void execute(Player player, String[] args)
public KittensCmd()
new ExtraKittensCmd(this);
This should be what you need to get started. If you have any issues please do not hesitate to contact me on the Spigot forums.