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Change the appearance of UIKit elements, using classes that declaratively describe the appearance. AppearanceKit provides a way to strong type appearances like a label's (UILabelAppearance) or a button's appearance (UIButtonAppearance), a color (UIColor), a font (Font), or text (AttributedText).

AppearanceKit values immutability and horizontal decoration. Thus all top types are protocols that can be horizontally decorated.

AppearanceKit is (optionally) dependent on ContentKit and RepresentationKit. It is recommended to include those dependencies. If you do not want to import them then comment out those dependencies in the AppearanceKit.podspec file.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

// create an appearance
// by passing values throught the constructor
let appearance = ConfigurableUILabelAppearance(
							textColor: BlackColor(),
							numberOfLines: 3)

// or chaining calls
let appearance = ConfigurableUILabelAppearance()
						.updating(field: .textColor(BlackColor())
						.updating(field: .numberOfLines(3)

// or through a mutable container
var appearance = ConfigurableUILabelAppearance()
appearance.textColor = BlackColor()
apperanace.numberOfLines = 3

let label = // ...
// configure the label with the appearance

// you can use multiple times the appearance
let label2 = // ...

// or even a textfield
let textField = // ...


AppearanceKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "AppearanceKit"


AppearanceKit provides appearances for:

  • UILabel through UILabelAppearance, ConfigurableUILabelAppearance and DefaultUILabelAppearance
  • UITextField the same as UILabel
  • UITextView the same as UILabel
  • UIButton through UIButtonAppearance, ConfigurableUIButtonAppearance and DefaultUIButtonAppearance
  • CALayer (and shadow) through CAContentAppearance and CAShadowAppearance

AppearanceKit provides declarative types for:

  • Colors through Color and *Color:
    • TextColor which provides a way to gather the text colors (of a button) of different states together.
    • HexColor which faciliates construction from hexadecimal strings or integers
    • HueColor for easy working on HSBA values.
    • RandomColor
  • Fonts through Font and *Font
  • Images throught specializations of ContentKit.Image:
    • DrawnImage which wraps UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions/UIGraphicsImageRenderer behind a strong typed type.
    • FlippedImage which flips horizontally/vertically a decorated image
    • RenderingModeImage which renders differently the decorated image
    • ResizableImage which represents a resizable (stretchable)
    • RotatedImage permits arbitrary rotations of the decorated image
    • ScaledImage scales the decorated image
    • TintedImage tints the decorated image respecting a blend mode
    • TrimmedImage trims the decorated images for transparent pixels

Working with Colors

// black
let color = BlackColor()

// random color
let random = RandomColor()

// blakc with 20% opacity
let notSoBlack = black.with(alpha: 0.2)

// a (probably) more bright color from the random color
let brightRandom = random.with(brightness: 0.9)
// or
var brightRandom = HueColor(random)
brightRandom.brightness = 0.5

Working with Fonts

// system font
let font = SystemFont()
// bold system font
let bold = font.bold

// decorate UIFonts
let mainFont = AnyFont(font: /* a UIFont */)
mainFont.with(size: 25)

// or create related fonts with
struct AFont: Font {
	/* properties for Font comformance */
	var normal: Font { return self }
    var bold: Font? { return BFont(font: self) } // provide the bold font
// the bold font
struct BFont: Font { 
	/* ... */ 
	var normal: Font { return AFont(font: self) } // provide the normal font
    var bold: Font? { return self }

Working with Images

let image = /* UIImage */
let flipped = FlippedImage(image, flip: .vertical)

// both rotated and flipped
let rotatedNflipped = RotatedImage(flipped, rotation: .left)

// just rotated 90° to the right
let rotated = RotatedImage(image, rotation: .right)

// just rotated 123° to the right
let rotated = RotatedImage(image, rotation: .arbitrary(123))


Georges Boumis, [email protected]


AppearanceKit is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Change the appearance of UIKit elements







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