Hi, welcome to our entry for PenApps XXI!
The structure of this repo is as follows:
Current layout of project
- Kiosk – main project folder
- static
- virus.png – icon
- main.css – CSS formatting
- templates
- home.html – home page that extends layout.html
- layout.html – standardized layout, contains the top level option menu and color scheme
- upload.html – form to upload image
- loading.html - loading page while GAN is running on image data
- results.html - presents a side-by-side view of uploaded and generated x-ray images
- info.html - general information about this web app and additional redirect links about COVID-19
- uploads – temporary storage space for uploaded files
- .gitignore – standard .gitignore file for commits
- forms.py – outlines flask_wtf forms to be used
- app.py – main Flask application file
- README.md – this!