A LightRoom plugin that reads the in-camera settings from the photos you shot with a Fujifilm X series camera and adjusts the develop settings accordingly. The plugin allows you to work with an image that most closely resembles the JPEG rendition.
- Rating
- Film Simulation
- Noise Reduction
- Sharpness
- Highlight Tone
- Shadow Tone
- White Balance
- White Balance Shift
- Download this file and un-zip it to any folder you like.
- Open LightRoom and bring up the Plug-in Manager... dialog via
>Plug-in Manager...
- On the left-hand side of the plug-in manager, click on "Add" and locate the folder containing the plug-in. Then select import-fuji-settings.lrplugin
When importing RAF files, do not set Build Previews to "Minimal"
- After importing your photos and in the Library module, select the photos you want to sync.
- At the menu bar on top, run the script by going to
>Plug-in Extras
>Import Fuji Settings
- Once the script has finished running and while the photos are still selected, Update the photos by going to
>Read Metadata from File
If you have any questions, raise an Issue here