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Authsignal Kiosk Demo

This is a demo on using Authsignal to allow users to identify themselves on a kiosk.

It uses a coffee ordering/pickup scenario.

Users can select their coffee preference ahead of time on their own devices, then use an Enrollment Kiosk to enroll a passkey which can then be used at a Challenge Kiosk to pickup their coffee.

Demo Pages

Run this project yourself

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a copy of .env.example as .env via the command cp .env.example .env
  3. Fill in the environment variables with your own details
  4. Create the required actions this project uses saveCoffeePreference, enrollPasskey and pickup on your Authsignal Tenant. Specific details can be requested by contacting us.
  5. Run yarn to install dependencies
  6. Run yarn run dev to run locally. (See note below)

Note: When running locally, scanning the initial QR code in the Passkey Enrollment Kiosk while redirect you to an invalid public url. There will a URL logged to the console which you can use on the machine running the application locally.

Alternatively, you may want to create a free application on Vercel to host the project instead.


This demo uses APIs that have not been finalized and is subject to change.