#NEWARE Server
https://zeit.co/blog/easy-aliasing (optional)
yarn deploy
to ship. -
after testing deploy, set the alias to neware-posts like:
now alias https://neware-posts-THE_PROVIDED_URL.now.sh neware-posts
- The new instance will be available at https://neware-posts.now.sh
Secrets are saved locally and not committed to git. Secrets are located in a .env file, and pulled into the app via the dotenv package.
# .env
example of use:
// index.js
var greeting = process.env.GREETING;
var name = process.env.NAME;
module.exports = function() {
return `${greeting}, ${name}!!`;
To deploy secrets, we add them to Now like this:
now secret add greeting Hello
now secret add name User
Then in the package.json, we reference the secrets while deploying. When the environment is built on Now then the secret values are updated.
"deploy": "now -e GREETING=@greeting -e NAME=@name"
Run now secret
for help.
reference: [Configure secrets and environment variables with Zeit's Now](source: https://egghead.io/lessons/tools-configure-secrets-and-environment-variables-with-zeit-s-now)