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Added code for pdm builder
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auduno committed Jan 7, 2014
1 parent ecafdfa commit 9be3163
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,254 additions and 0 deletions.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions pdm_builder/average_face/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import numpy as np
import preprocess, pickle, skimage
from skimage.transform import PiecewiseAffineTransform, warp
from import imread, Image, imsave

coordinate_file = "./data.csv"

data_pca, data_patches, meanshape, cropsize = preprocess.preprocess(coordinate_file, mirror = True)

dp = {'data_pca' : data_pca, 'data_patches' : data_patches, 'meanshape' : meanshape, 'cropsize' : cropsize}
fi = open("", "w")
pickle.dump(dp, fi)

#fi = open("", "r")
#data = pickle.load(fi)
#data_pca = data['data_pca']
#data_patches = data['data_patches']
#meanshape = data['meanshape']
#cropsize = data['cropsize']

# get meanshape
mean = [np.mean(column) for column in meanshape.T]
for k,v in data_pca.iteritems():
data_pca[k] = (v+meanshape)-mean

meanshape = ((meanshape-mean)+[cropsize[0]/2,cropsize[1]/2])

imshape = (cropsize[0], cropsize[1], 3)
avim = np.zeros(imshape)
imlen = len(data_pca.keys())

# for each imaged
count = 0
for filename, values in data_pca.iteritems():
# warp to meanshape
im = imread("./cropped/"+filename)
tform = PiecewiseAffineTransform()
tform.estimate(meanshape, values+[cropsize[0]/2,cropsize[1]/2])
# store in array
outim = warp(im, tform, output_shape=cropsize)
#imsave("./averageface/test.bmp", outim)
avim += skimage.util.img_as_float(outim)
count += 1
print str(count)

avim /= imlen
avim *= 255
avim = avim.astype(np.uint8)
imsave("./averageface/average.bmp", Image(avim))
# for all in array
# average

# write out
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions pdm_builder/
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@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
from sklearn.svm import SVR, SVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from PIL import Image
import config
import random
from numpy import array, sqrt, square
from numpy.linalg import norm
import numpy
import pickle
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from scipy.ndimage.filters import sobel

num_patches = config.num_patches
patch_size = config.patch_size

def build_patches(data, c_value=None, gradient=False):
filters = []
#for r in range(0, num_patches):
for r in [23]:
print "training patch:"+str(r)
positives = []
negatives = []

# load positive examples
i = 0
for filename, values in data.iteritems():
im ="./cropped/"+filename, "r")
mask ="./cropped/"+filename[:-4]+"_mask.bmp", "r")

# convert image to grayscale
im = im.convert("L")
if not numpy.isnan(values[r][0]):
# TODO : check that there is not missing data:
points = numpy.around(values[r]+(numpy.array(im.size)/2))
points = points.astype(numpy.uint8)
if gradient:
# check whether cropping goes outside image
m_crop = mask.crop((points[0]-((patch_size+1)/2),points[1]-((patch_size+1)/2),points[0]+((patch_size+3)/2),points[1]+((patch_size+3)/2)))
m_crop = numpy.array(m_crop)
if not numpy.all(m_crop == 255):
print "cropping of patch "+str(r)+" in image '"+filename+"' was outside original image bounds. Dropping this patch from training."
p_crop = im.crop((points[0]-((patch_size+1)/2), points[1]-((patch_size+1)/2), points[0]+((patch_size+3)/2), points[1]+((patch_size+3)/2) ))
p_crop = numpy.array(p_crop).astype('int32')
dx = sobel(p_crop, axis=0, mode="constant")
dy = sobel(p_crop, axis=1, mode="constant")
p_crop = numpy.hypot(dx, dy)
p_crop = p_crop[1:patch_size+1, 1:patch_size+1]
if not numpy.max(p_crop) == 0.:
p_crop *= 255.0 / numpy.max(p_crop)
# check whether cropping goes outside image
m_crop = mask.crop((points[0]-((patch_size-1)/2),points[1]-((patch_size-1)/2),points[0]+((patch_size+1)/2),points[1]+((patch_size+1)/2)))
m_crop = numpy.array(m_crop)
if not numpy.all(m_crop == 255):
print "cropping of patch "+str(r)+" in image '"+filename+"' was outside original image bounds. Dropping this patch from training."
p_crop = im.crop((points[0]-((patch_size-1)/2),points[1]-((patch_size-1)/2),points[0]+((patch_size+1)/2),points[1]+((patch_size+1)/2)))"./pcropped/svm"+filename)

# get negative examples from randomization
for nr in range(0,10):
if gradient:
rpoints = random_coord(im.size, patch_size+2, points)
# check whether cropping goes outside image
m_crop = mask.crop((rpoints[0]-((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[1]-((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[0]+((patch_size+3)/2),rpoints[1]+((patch_size+3)/2)))
m_crop = numpy.array(m_crop)
if not numpy.all(m_crop == 255):
#print "cropping of a negative for patch "+str(r)+" was outside original image bounds. Dropping this patch from training."
p_crop = im.crop((rpoints[0]-((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[1]-((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[0]+((patch_size+3)/2),rpoints[1]+((patch_size+3)/2)))
p_crop = numpy.array(p_crop).astype('int32')
dx = sobel(p_crop, 0)
dy = sobel(p_crop, 1)
p_crop = numpy.hypot(dx, dy)
p_crop = p_crop[1:patch_size+1, 1:patch_size+1]
#p_crop = p_crop.crop((1, 1, patch_size+2, patch_size+1))
if not numpy.max(p_crop) == 0.:
p_crop *= 255.0 / numpy.max(p_crop)
rpoints = random_coord(im.size, patch_size, points)
# check whether cropping goes outside image
m_crop = mask.crop((rpoints[0]-((patch_size-1)/2),rpoints[1]-((patch_size-1)/2),rpoints[0]+((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[1]+((patch_size+1)/2)))
m_crop = numpy.array(m_crop)
if not numpy.all(m_crop == 255):
#print "cropping of a negative for patch "+str(r)+" was outside original image bounds. Dropping this patch from training."
p_crop = im.crop((rpoints[0]-((patch_size-1)/2),rpoints[1]-((patch_size-1)/2),rpoints[0]+((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[1]+((patch_size+1)/2)))

if i % 1000 == 0:
print i
i += 1

# get negative examples from landscape images
negfiles = [f for f in listdir("./negatives") if isfile(join("./negatives",f))]
for filename in negfiles:
im ="./negatives/", filename), "r")
im = im.convert("L")
if gradient:
diff = ((patch_size+1)/2)
diff = ((patch_size-1)/2)
for nr in range(0,100):

x = random.randint(1+diff, im.size[0]-diff)
y = random.randint(1+diff, im.size[1]-diff)
rpoints = array([x,y])
if gradient:
p_crop = im.crop((rpoints[0]-((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[1]-((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[0]+((patch_size+3)/2),rpoints[1]+((patch_size+3)/2)))
p_crop = numpy.array(p_crop).astype('int32')
dx = sobel(p_crop, 0)
dy = sobel(p_crop, 1)
p_crop = numpy.hypot(dx, dy)
p_crop = p_crop[1:patch_size+1, 1:patch_size+1]
#p_crop = p_crop.crop((1, 1, patch_size+1, patch_size+1))
if not numpy.max(p_crop) == 0.:
p_crop *= 255.0 / numpy.max(p_crop)
p_crop = im.crop((rpoints[0]-((patch_size-1)/2),rpoints[1]-((patch_size-1)/2),rpoints[0]+((patch_size+1)/2),rpoints[1]+((patch_size+1)/2)))

# maybe use some other nature photos for negative examples?

# maybe use uniform images for negative examples?

# normalize image data to 0,1 interval
positives = [normalize(p) for p in positives]
negatives = [normalize(n) for n in negatives]

labels = [1.0 for p in positives]
labels.extend([-1.0 for n in negatives])
labels = numpy.array(labels)
features = [p.flatten() for p in positives]
features.extend([n.flatten() for n in negatives])
features = numpy.vstack(features)

# since we have more negative samples than positive samples, we need to balance the set
#weights = []
#negweight = float(len(positives))/float(len(negatives))
#weights = {1. : 1., -1. : negweight}

# train svm

# use grid search/cross-validation to set C, epsilon parameter on each patch?
#arr = numpy.arange(features.shape[0])
#from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
#from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
##clfg = GridSearchCV(LogisticRegression(penalty='L2', dual=False), {'C':[0.00001, 0.0000001, 0.000000001]}, score_func=mean_squared_error, verbose=100)
#clfg = GridSearchCV(SVR(kernel="linear"), {'C':[0.1, 0.0001, 0.00000001]}, score_func=mean_squared_error, verbose=100)[arr,:], labels[arr])
#import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
# end grid search

#clf = LogisticRegression(penalty='L2', dual=False, C=0.00001)
clf = SVR(C=c_value, kernel="linear")
#clf = SVR(C=c_value, epsilon=0.9, kernel="linear")

#clf = clfg.best_estimator_, labels)

# optionally store filters as normalized images, for validation
coefficients = clf.coef_
coefficients = (normalize(coefficients)*255.).astype("uint8")
coefficients = coefficients.reshape((patch_size,patch_size))
coefImg = Image.fromarray(coefficients)"./svmImages/svm"+str(r)+".bmp")
print "bias : "+str(clf.intercept_[0])
#errors = []
#import math
#for f in range(0,len(features)):
#score = numpy.sum(features[f]*clf.coef_) + clf.intercept_
# score = clf.predict(features[f])
# errors.append(math.sqrt((labels[f]-score)**2))
#print "mse:"+str(numpy.mean(errors))
#import pdb;pdb.set_trace()

#fi = open("./svmFilters/filter"+str(r)+".pickle", "w")
#pickle.dump(clf.coef_, fi)


# output for standard model:
filteroutput = [[-filters[f][r] for r in range(0, patch_size*patch_size)] for f in range(0, num_patches)]

# output result as dictionary with entries
patchModel = {}
patchModel['patchSize'] = [patch_size, patch_size]
patchModel['weights'] = filteroutput
patchModel['numPatches'] = num_patches
patchModel['patchType'] = 'SVM'

return patchModel

def random_coord(size, patchsize, pos_coord):
# get random value, multiply by size
# ensure that it's not larger than patchsize and more than 5 pixels away from true point
x_size = size[0]
y_size = size[1]
#diff = ((patchsize-1)/2)
diff = 2
over = True
while over:
x = random.randint(1+diff, x_size-diff)
y = random.randint(1+diff, y_size-diff)
rpos = array([x,y])

distance = norm(rpos-pos_coord)
if distance >= diff and distance < 15:
over = False
return rpos

def normalize(data):
max_data = numpy.max(data)
min_data = numpy.min(data)
data = data.astype(numpy.float32)
if max_data-min_data == 0:
normalized_data = numpy.zeros(data.shape)
normalized_data = (data-min_data)/(max_data-min_data)
return normalized_data

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