Foundational Web Components with Smooth Character
These components should help with boilerplate html layout. They're built to be modern, maximally helpful, and minimally intrusive.
npm i @auzmartist/cam-el
import { CamBox, CamInput } from '@auzmartist/cam-el'
As per the web components spec, all components are hyphenated. All cam-el
components are prefixed with cam-
A flex-sensible div replacer. Layout everything with cam-box.
<cam-box m="2" flex="space-evenly center">
<cam-box p="2 4">Foo</cam-box>
<cam-box p="2 4">Bar</cam-box>
- m: margin
"xy | x y"
- p: padding
"xy | x y"
- flex: sets the flex justify-content and align-items properties
"justify/align | justify align"
- inline if set, display with be inline-flex or inline-block
- dir: sets the flex-direction
- wrap: the flex-wrap rule value
An unopinionated input element which adds useful functionality and smooths over browser quirks.
- m: margin
"xy | x y"
- p: padding
"xy | x y"
- disabled: disables the input
- slot: An optional slot on the left of the input for a label or other content
- value: the current value of the input
- onupdate: CustomEvent wherein the detail is the current value of the input. This event may be more uniform and useful than the 'input' or 'changed' event. But these default events are still propagated.
Proxies the text input.
<cam-input type="text" placeholder="hint" label></cam-input>
Proxies the number input and adds features for wraparound value nudging and value clamping. Great for scientific or visualization heavy applications where
<cam-input type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" wrap></cam-input>
- min: minimum value
- max: maximum value
- step: step value
- wrap: determines if the min and max should "wrap around"
<cam-input type="checkbox"></cam-input> <cam-input type="checkbox" toggle></cam-input>
- toggle: An alternate UI resembling a horizontal slider
- checked: Indicates if the checkbox is checked or toggle is on
Because inputs do not share a "name" attribute across shadow DOMs, it's recommended to wrap groups of these in to enforce mutual exclusion and subscribe to the group element's onupdate
<cam-radio-group name="contact">
<cam-input type="radio" label="email" value="email"></cam-input>
<cam-input type="radio" label="phone" value="phone"></cam-input>
<cam-input type="radio" label="text" value="text"></cam-input>
Proxies the email input
Proxies the password input
One could make <input>
element work their full time job. Other <input>
variants and improved browser/accessibility support are in development as-needed. Submit an issue if there's something missing you'd like to use.
A dead simple way to use Material Icon ligature fonts.
<!-- IMPORTANT - this prerequisite stylesheet is required -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<!--renders a face - no joke :) -->
Render a color swatch in RGB, HSL, or hexadecimal format. Perfect for presenting a color in UI.
<cam-swatch r="3" g="25" b="38"></cam-swatch>
<cam-swatch h="175" s="20" l="68" hide-label></cam-swatch>
<cam-swatch hex="F4E9CD"></cam-swatch>
Render an editable HSL color generator.
<cam-hsl h="175" s="20" l="68" a="0.5"></cam-hsl>
Renders a canvas behind all the slotted content.
<cam-vas> Hello </cam-vas>
- run: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void
- re-renders this function each time
- throttle: throttles the rendering to every n milliseconds
- change: {h, s, l, hex}
Touch and mouse support for draggable slotted content.
<!-- A draggable red color swatch -->
<cam-draggable><cam-swatch hex="ff0000"></cam-swatch></cam-draggable>
If you'd prefer to work with the raw eventListeners (draggableStart
, draggableDrag
, and draggableEnd
), you can import {Draggable} from 'cam-el'
into your project as function getters.
These components are much less helpful in isolation, but can be used to supercharge further development with Hybrids JS web components.
Used in conjunction with other renderable Hybrids components to provide a reference into a Custom Element's shadow DOM.
export const MyComponent = {
render: () => html`<some-child onref="${onRef}"> </some-child> `,
function onRef(host, e) {
/* e.detail will be child component's .some-class element */
The library supports style bindings using the ::part() CSS selector modifier for a high degree of customization.
<cam-input label="Label" />
cam-input::part(input) {
border-radius: 0;
cam-input::part(label) {
font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;
var(--cam-font, sans-serif)
: the font for all elementsvar(--cam-unit, 8px)
: the size of a margin and padding unit