Hi! My name is Tushar Biswas, I have developed this hotel booking application.
For Backend - npm i
For Frontend - cd frontend
npm i
Make Sure to add appropriate variables (create "config.env" file in "./backend/config" directory and ".env" file in "./frontend" directory) in order to use the app.
I've added "config.env.sample" file in "./backend/config" folder. Just rename it to "config.env" and add the remaining vaiables.
I've added "env.sample" file in "./frontend" folder. Just rename it to ".env" and modify the remaining vaiables.
If you want to deploy the application in production then make sure to build the frontend with "npm run build" command at "./frontend" directory. And finally put all the vairables from "./backend/config.env.sample.production" to the environment variable fields & fill the value.