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Deprecation notice

This package is deprecated and maintanance has been stopped in favor of the Node.js template at

AsyncAPI Node.js
Code Generator

Use your AsyncAPI definition to
generate the code for your API.

The generated code features:

  • Default Node.js template, featuring:
    • ES7
    • ESLint
    • YAML config file
    • Hermes
    • No transpiling
  • Custom templates. Check --templates option in the Usage section. Kudos to @jantoniucci.


To use it from the CLI:

npm install -g asyncapi-node-codegen

To use it as a module in your project:

npm install --save asyncapi-node-codegen


From the command-line interface (CLI)

  Usage: anc [options] <asyncAPI>


    -V, --version                  output the version number
    -o, --output <outputDir>       directory where to put the generated files (defaults to current directory)
    -t, --templates <templateDir>  directory where templates are located (defaults to internal nodejs templates)
    -h, --help                     output usage information


The shortest possible syntax:

anc asyncapi.yaml

Specify where to put the generated code:

anc asyncapi.yaml -o ./my-api

Specify where to find the code templates:

anc asyncapi.yaml -t ../my-specific-templates-dir -o ./my-api

As a module in your project

const path = require('path');
const codegen = require('asyncapi-node-codegen');
const asyncapi = '/path/to/asyncapi.yaml'; // Or a path to a JSON file

codegen.process(asyncapi, path.resolve(__dirname, './my-api')).then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
  console.error(`Something went wrong: ${err.message}`);

Using async/await

The function codegen.process returns a Promise, so it means you can use async/await:

const path = require('path');
const codegen = require('asyncapi-node-codegen');
const asyncapi = '/path/to/asyncapi.yaml'; // Or a path to a JSON file

try {
  await codegen.process(asyncapi, path.resolve(__dirname, './my-api'));
} catch (err) {
  console.error(`Something went wrong: ${err.message}`);


Fran Méndez (@fmvilas)