An app that visualizes every sorting algorithm.
You can run Sorting Visualizer using the C++ source code available in the repository i.e., Sorting Visualizer. cpp but you will need to install and setup the SDL2 library first. So to download it Extract the files in a new folder named SDL in C-drive.
Set Up SDL library, and edit paths in environment variables.
NOTE-:If you do not want any change in Environment variables you can do if you have a 32-bit os- g++ Sorting_Visualizer.cpp -o Sorting_Visualizer -IC:\SDL\SDL2-2.28.2\include -LC:\SDL\SDL2-2.28.2\lib\x86 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lmingw32 or g++ Sorting_Visualizer.cpp -o Sorting_Visualizer -IC:\SDL\SDL2-2.28.2\include -LC:\SDL\SDL2-2.28.2\lib\x64 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lmingw32 for 64 Bit OS. in terminal.
After this, an executable file will be created which you can run.
NOTE:- 1. It is best to give the next command after the previous one has been completed, in order to minimize latency. 2. Provide the required option when a new window is opened.
Available Controls inside Sorting Visualizer-
- Use 0 to Generate a different randomized list.
- Use 1 to start Selection Sort Algorithm.
- Use 2 to start Insertion Sort Algorithm.
- Use 3 to start Bubble Sort Algorithm.
- Use 4 to start Merge Sort Algorithm.
- Use 5 to start Quick Sort Algorithm.
- Use 6 to start Heap Sort Algorithm.
- Use q to exit out of the Sorting Visualizer