This is a port of go-base58 to provide a native Swift implementation of base58 for SwiftMultihash (
Add the following to the Cartfile at the root of your project:
github "NeoTeo/SwiftBase58"
Then run carthage update
Select your target's General tab.
Add the framework from the Carthage/Build/Mac directory in your project root, either by dropping the SwiftBase58.framework file directly onto the "Embedded Binaries" or by clicking the + and navigating to it.
In case of a code signing error, select the target's Build Settings tab make sure the "Code Signing Identity" is either a valid identity or "Don't Code Sign". Additional dependencies SwiftGMP.framework and SwiftHex.framework will be fetched when running the carthage update.
For more information on how to install via Carthage see the README
import SwiftBase58
func encodeDecode() {
let buffer: [uint8] = [255, 254, 253, 252]
println("Buffer: \(buffer)")
let encodedString = SwiftBase58.encode(buffer)
println("Encoded string: \(encodedString)")
let decodedBuffer = SwiftBase58.decode(encodedString)
println("Decoded buffer: \(decodedBuffer)")
See also the example project here
The SwiftBase58 (as the originating go-base58 and original btcutil before it) are licensed under the ISC License.