Cal Hacks 3.0 Android App
Strived to replace the current safety system at Berkeley due to recent rash of robberies and violent crimes.
Has three parts:
Request- Request a walking partner based on your location and set up a meeting place
Record - Record audio of an encounter, send/call the police and an ermgency number
Risk- A map with your current location and the voilent reports around it
Bugs/To Do:
Volley POST Request to the server returns null, Hurl It returns a response and login to the server is fine, so both Volley and the server work - Wrong Context????
Redesign the UI, currently looks terrible
Populate the map based on data given from web scraper
Optmize the app seems to hang on Log-In, failing that add a loading screen
Add a chat function to allow users to communicate when matched
Calculate the route with the least risk
Overall not bad for my first college hackathon, idea was great unfortunately marred by the time given and the the two pronged aproach to working. We got the server working after the first 18 hours however then I had to implement in the Andriod App, ran into problems with the Aysnc aproach I had initially set up without the server tp test, scrapped in favor of regular approach and then had to go back to Aysnc when I released the APP had to constantly POST to the server to check if a match had been found, didn't want the UI thread to stop while doing this.