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Typescript (2.7.2)

Angular 6 Demo App (6.0.7)

To Start the application type

  1. ng serve

  2. http://localhost:4200/

  • Quick links


Angular Material (2.0.0-alpha.8-2)

  • Important Link

  • Import all the modules in the app.module.ts file,do not apply forRoot() method, if you do the refactoring then we can apply the forRoot() method as i have done.and please add providers also for radio-button and some other modules.

  • For Grid system using Bootstrap layout

Injected Angular-CLI

  • To inject angular cli write ng init and follow the instruction.

  • start the application with ng-serve instead of npm start

  • How to give the build in Angular-cli project

      just type the command ' ng build --prod ' it will create a dist folder in the root directory

Created Aangular Forms

  1. Angular form Link
  2. Created template driven form (Custom Forms)

Firebase UI-WEB

  1. Using firebase ui for the user Identity

  2. FirebaseUI-Web github

  3. Other related link

  4. Install angularFire2 and firebase

     npm install angularfire2 firebase --save
  5. Related Link

How to deploy the application in Firebase

  • First install firebase-tools globally

      $npm install -g firebase-tools
  • Then Login using the Firebase-cli and initialize the project

      $firebase login
      $firebase init
      Select the Hosting option in the command line
       >Hosting: Configure and deploy firebase hosting site
  • Deploy to Firebase Hosting

      $ firebase deploy
      $ If it ask for reauth, firebase login --reauth --no-localhost

Using Google Analytics to track and reports website traffic

  1. Google Analytics

How to update the package.json

$ npm install -g npm-check-updates
$ npm-check-updates -u  u will come to know which are the modules or library got updated
$ npm install  or ncu -a to update the package.json
$ `npm i webpack --save-dev`
$ do not update the flexlayout it should `be beta.16`