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    SECU-3 Firmware (Application). Distributed under GPL license

    Designed by Alexey A. Shabelnikov 2007. Ukraine, Kiev.
    Microprocessor systems - design & programming. e-mail: [email protected]


    You can compile the project using either IAR(MS Windows) or GCC(Linux, MS
    Windows). Run or configure.bat depending on your OS.
    Project compiles for ATMega1284.
    Under MS Windows: Run configure.bat with corresponding options (type of MCU
                      and type of compiler), it will create Makefile and start
    Under Linux:      Run with option - type of MCU and type of
                      compiler, it will create Makefile and start building.

    Below is shown the list of possible compilation options. Excluding options
    whcich are not necessary will allow you to spare memory and computational
    resources of processor.


    SECU3T               Build for SECU-3T or for SECU-3i. If not defined, then
                         build for SECU-3i

    DWELL_CONTROL        For direct dwell controlling

    COOLINGFAN_PWM       Use PWM for controlling of electric cooling fan

    REALTIME_TABLES      Allow editing of tables in realtime (use RAM)

    DEBUG_VARIABLES      For watching and editing of some firmware variables
                         (used for debug by developers)

    PHASE_SENSOR         Use of phase (cam) sensor

    PHASED_IGNITION      Use phased ignition. PHASE_SENSOR must be also used.

    FUEL_PUMP            Electric fuel pump control

    THERMISTOR_CS        Use a resistive temperature sensor (thermistor)

    REV9_BOARD           Build for SECU-3T boards of revision 9 and greater.

    DIAGNOSTICS          Include hardware diagnostics functionality

    HALL_OUTPUT          Include Hall sensor emulation functionality. Separate
                         output will be used.

    STROBOSCOPE          Include stroboscope functionality

    SM_CONTROL           Enable stepper motor and choke control functionality

    VREF_5V              Use 5V ADC reference voltage. In this case divider
                         bottom resistors are not necessary. So, input impedance
                         will be high.

    HALL_SYNC            Use synchronization from Hall sensor (connected to PS
                         input) instead of CKP sensor

    CKPS_2CHIGN          Build firmware for use 2 channel igniters (driven by
                         both edges)

    FUEL_INJECT          Include support of fuel injection

    GD_CONTROL           Enable stepper motor control for gas dose control

    CARB_AFR             Enable control of AFR on carburetor by means of
                         electronic actuators (valves driven by PWM)

    CKPS_NPLUS1          Synchronization from N+1 crankshaft wheel (e.g. 2+1
                         used in kawasaki ZX6R)

    OBD_SUPPORT          OBD support (send data to the CAN network)

    TPIC8101             Support of TPIC8101 knock chip

    CAM_SYNC             Support of synchronization from camshaft wheel

    SPLIT_ANGLE          Split angle for ignition on rotary engines

    BL_BAUD_RATE    *    Baud rate for boot loader. Can be set to 9600, 14400,
                         19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200. Note! Will not take
                         effect without reprogramming using ISP programmator.

    SPEED_SENSOR    *    Include speed sensor support

    INTK_HEATING    *    Include support of intake manifold heating control

    AIRTEMP_SENS    *    Include support of intake air temperature sensor

    BLUETOOTH_SUPP  *    Include functionality for working with Bluetooth

    IMMOBILIZER     *    Include immobilizer and iButton functionality

    UNI_OUTPUT      *    Include support of an universal programmable output

    PA4_INP_IGNTIM  *    Use analog input for manual correction of ignition

    EVAP_CONTROL    *    Canister purge valve control

    AIRCONDIT       *    Air conditioner control

    EGOS_HEATING    *    EGO sensor's heater control

    MCP3204         *    Support of additional 4 analog inputs (using MCP3204)

    IFR_VS_MAP_CORR *    Turn on correction of pressure in the fuel rail

    DEFERRED_CRC    *    Turn on background checking of the firmware's CRC

    XTAU_CORR       *    Use X-tau wall wetting model. This option will take
                         effect only together with FUEL_INJECT option

* means that option is internal and not displayed in the list of options in the
  SECU-3 Manager

Necessary symbols you can define in the preprocessor's options of the compiler
(edit corresponding Makefile).


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