A simple trello - etherpad connection
My team works with Trello and sprints, every week, we need to create a Epic card, then create a Backlog, with a label, link each card in the epic card in a checklist, this is boring, take too much time, so I though that there might be a way to make it easier (link cards to checklist in trello is terrible) so my idea is create a etherpad where the team can colaborate, in yaml format (because yaml!) and then run a script that will translate it to trello, creating the epic, the backlog, linking everything together, descriptions, etc.
Just install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
You gonna need a api key and api token that you can generated here.
python trellopad.py --api apikey --token token --url etherpad_url
Format is very easy:
- epic: 'My epic'
label: 'Label of my sprint'
description: 'This epic is gonna be epic!'
epic_list: 'Epics'
tasks_list: 'Backlog'
board: 'Trello board name'
- name: Task 1
description: Task 1 description
- name: Checklist 1
- Item 1
- Item 2
- name: Checklist 2
- Item 1
- item 2
- name: Task 2
description: Task 2 description
This is pretty much what you need, then all you need to do is run the script, and see the magic happens
OBS: You don't need to create the trello list, label or epic list, the script will create it automatically for you, however, it will get the first returned if exist, so if there are more than one list with the same name, the first one returned will be used, so be carefull. In the future, who knows, I can search for the id.