This is a lightweight Python library which lets you push and
execute jobs asynchronously using Apache Kafka.
It uses
confluent-kafka-python under the hood.
- Apache Kafka 3.4.0
- Python 3.10+
Build and start the docker containers.
docker compose -up d
The performance benchmarks for producer and consumer can be viewed in the logs:
docker compose logs -f
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | Processed 1000000 messsages in 7.19 seconds
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | 13.26 MB/s
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | 139045.01 Msgs/s
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | producer_performance
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | time_in_seconds
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | confluent_python_kafka_producer 7.191916
kafka | [2023-04-27 23:27:23,632] INFO [BrokerMetadataListener id=1] Starting to publish metadata events at offset 2. (kafka.server.metadata.BrokerMetadataListener)
kafka | [2023-04-27 23:27:23,633] INFO [BrokerMetadataPublisher id=1] Publishing initial metadata at offset OffsetAndEpoch(offset=2, epoch=1) with metadata.version 3.4-IV0. (kafka.server.metadata.BrokerMetadataPublisher)
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | Processed 1000000 messsages in 6.74 seconds
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | 14.15 MB/s
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | 148321.10 Msgs/s
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | consumer_performance
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | time_in_seconds
kafka-python-client-python-wrapper-1 | confluent_python_kafka_consumer 6.742129
Problem statement: A real-time dashboard that displays the number of page views per second for a website. The website generates a high volume of page views, and we want to process them in real-time.
Setup: : simulates 1000 users requesting our website. sends the “page view” events in real-time to Kafka Server. will call the Worker class and consume page view events.
Each consumer instance processes a subset of the messages.
Start the buffer. This will connect to the KafkaProducer client:
Start the workers in separate terminal. This will connect to the KafkaProducer client. The worker executes the job in the background:
[INFO] Starting Worker(hosts= topic=page-views, group=group) ...
2nd Worker:
[INFO] Starting Worker(hosts= topic=page-views, group=group) ...
3nd Worker:
[INFO] Starting Worker(hosts= topic=page-views, group=group) ...
To create a consumer group, running multiple consumer instances that will execute subset of jobs, we need to increase the number of partitions. Following is example command that increases number of partitions to 3 of the page-views Kafka topic.
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --topic page-views --partitions 3