Media queries for responsive design in Phoenix LiveView, a server-rendered Elixir framework. Heavily inspired by react-responsive.
provides an easy way to manage media queries in Phoenix LiveView applications. It allows you to create responsive designs without the need to write custom media queries or learn Tailwind CSS.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- Elixir 1.13+
- Phoenix LiveView 0.20+
Add live_view_responsive to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
# mix.exs
def deps do
{:live_view_responsive, "~> 0.1.1"}
In assets/js/app.js
add live_view_responsive hooks:
// assets/js/app.js
import {
} from "live_view_responsive";
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
hooks: {
defmodule ExampleAppWeb.Example do
use Phoenix.Component
import LiveViewResponsive
def example(assigns) do
<.media_query max_width={1224}>
<p>You are on a tablet or mobile</p>
<.media_query min_width={1225}>
<p>You are on a desktop or laptop</p>
<.media_query min_width={1500}>
<p>You also have a huge screen</p>
- ✅ Toggles CSS display property on media query change with zero latency. ⚡
- ✅ No need to write custom media queries or learn Tailwind.
defmodule ExampleAppWeb.ExampleComponent do
use ExampleAppWeb, :live_component
use LiveViewResponsive
@impl true
def mount(socket) do
socket =
|> assign_media_query(:tablet_or_mobile, max_width: 1224)
|> assign_media_query(:desktop_or_laptop, min_width: 1225)
|> assign_media_query(:portrait, orientation: "portrait")
{:ok, socket}
def render(assigns) do
<.live_view_responsive myself={@myself} />
<h1>Device test</h1>
<p :if={@tablet_or_mobile}>
You are on a tablet or mobile phone
<p :if={@desktop_or_laptop}>
You are on a desktop or laptop
You are in
<%= if assigns.portrait, do: "portrait", else: "landscape" %>
- ✅ Gives greater control over what is rendered.
- ✅ Assigned media queries are just boolean values updated automatically.
Note: Works only in live components. Both use LiveViewResponsive
and <.live_view_responsive myself={@myself} />
are required to make media query assigns work.
To make things more idiomatic to Phoenix LiveView, its preferred to use snake_case shorthands to construct media queries, but the kebab-case syntax is also supported.
For a list of all possible shorthands see media_types_and_features.ex.
If shorthand accepts a string or number, any number given will be expanded to px (1234
becomes 1234px
Media query assigns can be constructed like this:
|> assign_media_query(:tablet, min_width: 600, max_width: 900)
or with media query component attributes:
<.media_query min_width={600} max_width={900}>
You are on a tablet
, scan
, aspect_ratio
, device_aspect_ratio
, height
, device_height
, width
, device_width
, color
, color_index
, monochrome
, resolution
Most support modifiers min_
and max_
, grid
, aural
, braille
, handheld
, print
, projection
, screen
, tty
, tv
, embossed
To use media types pass them with true
or false
|> assign_media_query(:screen, screen: true) # screen
|> assign_media_query(:not_screen, screen: false) # not screen
Sometimes you need to create a complex query or use a bleeding edge feature. In such cases, you can pass a custom query string.
|> assign_media_query(:tablet, query: "(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 900px)")
Because assign_media_query
calls need to receive information from the front-end, their values are all set to false on the first render.
💡 The <.media_query>
component is always up to date, so it's safe to use without additional checks.
To hide elements until information about matching media queries is received from the front-end for the first time and prevent flickering, check the @live_view_responsive_synced
def render(assigns) do
<.live_view_responsive myself={@myself} />
<span :if={@live_view_responsive_synced}>
<%= if @small_screen, do: "Small screen", else: "Big screen" %>
Alternatively, to make the media query match on the first render, add the initial: true
|> assign_media_query(:mobile, min_width: 600, initial: true)
|> assign_media_query(:desktop, min_width: 1200)
You can create your application-specific breakpoints and reuse them easily.
defmodule ExampleApp.LiveViewResponsive do
@moduledoc """
Generates breakpoints for live_view_responsive design.
For each breakpoint new component named `{breakpoint}_media_query` is generated, for example:
You are on a mobile
And a function named `assign_{breakpoint}_media_query` is created, for example:
|> assign_mobile_media_query(initial: true)
|> assign_tablet_media_query()
use LiveViewResponsive.Breakpoints, [
mobile: [max_width: 700],
tablet: [min_width: 701, max_width: 1200],
desktop: [min_width: 1201],
Then you can use the defined module instead of LiveViewResponsive
in your components.
defmodule ExampleAppWeb.Example do
use Phoenix.Component
import ExampleApp.LiveViewResponsive
def example(assigns) do
You are on a mobile
You are on a tablet
You are on a desktop
Same thing with live components:
defmodule ExampleAppWeb.ExampleLiveComponent do
use ExampleAppWeb, :live_component
use ExampleApp.LiveViewResponsive
@impl true
def mount(socket) do
|> assign_mobile_media_query()
def render(assigns) do
<.live_view_responsive myself={@myself} />
<span :if={@mobile}>
You are on a mobile
Changes of the new variable based on media query assigns do not cause rerender of live component
It happens when you calculate new variables based on the media query assigns in the render/1
callback. You have to assign them in the update/2
callback instead.
Given such media query assigns:
@impl true
def mount(socket) do
|> assign_media_query(:mobile, min_width: 600)
|> assign_media_query(:desktop, min_width: 1200)
❌ Do not create new variables based on these assigns in the render/1
callback. LiveView will not render changes when small_screen
is updated, even if you put it into assigns.
def render(assigns) do
# this will not work
small_screen = and not assigns.desktop
<span :if={small_screen}>Small screen</span>
✅ Instead, calculate new variables in update/2
@impl true
def update(assigns, socket) do
small_screen = and not assigns.desktop
socket = assign(socket, :small_screen, small_screen)
{:ok, assign(socket, assigns)}
def render(assigns) do
<span :if={@small_screen}>Small screen</span>
Contributions of any kind are welcome! If you have a feature request, found a bug, or want to improve the documentation, feel free to open an issue or a pull request. And don't forget to star the repository if you like the project. 🌟