The TFL API is called via Ruby to populate a hash with line names and station names.
The API is also used to get information about live disruptions.
For the MVP the aim was creating the classes, relationships and the methods to answer the following questions:
- What stations are on a Tube Line? ✅
- What lines does a Tube Station belong to? ✅
- What Tube Stations have the most Lines? ✅
- What Tube Stations have have least Lines? ✅
- What Tube Lines have the most Stations? ✅
- WhatTube Lines have the least stations? ✅
Once the MVP was complete, the mission was:
- Get real data from the TFL API ✅
- Populate tables with this real data ✅
- Perform Validation ✅
- Make the CLI look clean & ✨ ✨sparkly. ✅
- Show line colours in CLI. ✅
The main stretch goals are:
- Get Live Service data from TFL API to show 🚫 disruptions
⚠️ . ✅ - Use emojis 😎in the 🌟 CLI ✅
- 💡 Incorporate DLR and Overground data. 🚧
- Clean up the code. 😱 😭 🚧
gem "sinatra-activerecord"
gem "sqlite3"
gem "pry"
gem "require_all"
gem 'rest-client'
gem 'json'
gem 'artii'
gem 'rainbow'