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plotting symmetric Dicke state
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mahmoudifar authored Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 0f239dd commit 75d3553
Showing 1 changed file with 286 additions and 1 deletion.
287 changes: 286 additions & 1 deletion pytheus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1040,4 +1040,289 @@ def saveexperiment(self, filename):
experiment = self.fig.savefig(filename + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
return experiment

#Automated design for plotting experimental scheme for producing a symmetric Dicke state

def plot_symmetric_Dicke_state (n,
r = 0.5,
fiber_color = '#F0DE36',
bs_color = '#75C2F6',
nl_color = '#1D5D9B',
pbs_color = '#F8BDEB',
figsize= 8,
center = (0, 0),
lbs = 0.08,
legend = False,
filename =''):

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(figsize,)*2)

def pbs(ax, x, y, x0 , fc=pbs_color, width = r/6, ll ='k'):

pbs_rect = Rectangle((x, y), width, width, fc=fc, ec='k')
corners = pbs_rect.get_corners()
center = pbs_rect.get_center()

ax.plot([corners[1][0], corners[3][0]], [corners[1][1], corners[3][1]], color='k', alpha = 0.5)

x_d = center[0] + x0 if center[0] > 0 else center[0] - x0
y_d = center[1] + x0 if center[1] > 0 else center[1] - x0

theta0 = (-90, 90) if center[0] > 0 else (90, -90)
theta1 = (0, 180) if center[1] > 0 else (180, 0)

x_max_line = x_d + 0.6*width if x_d > 0 else x_d-0.6*width
y_max_line = y_d + 0.6*width if y_d > 0 else y_d-0.6*width

ax.hlines(center[1], xmin=center[0], xmax=x_max_line, colors = ll)
ax.vlines(center[0], ymin=center[1], ymax=y_max_line, colors = ll)
ax.add_patch(Wedge(( center[0], y_d ), width/3, theta1[0], theta1[1],fc = '#F1F7B5', ec = 'k', zorder = 2))
ax.add_patch(Wedge((x_d, center[1] ), width/3, theta0[0], theta0[1], fc = '#F1F7B5', ec = 'k', zorder = 2))

def write_text(ax, x, y, text, fontsize = 9, color ='k', rotation = 0): # for labelling
s = text,
fontsize = fontsize,
color = color,
ha ='center',
va ='center',
rotation = rotation)

def plot_hwp_qwp(ax, x, y , width = r/8, line = 'h'):
if line =='h':
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((x, y ), width, width/5, fc = '#00DFA2', ec = '#00DFA2', zorder = 2))
y1 = y+2*width/5 if y>0 else y-2*width/5
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((x, y1) , width, width/5, fc = '#FF0060', ec = '#FF0060', zorder = 2))
elif line =='v':
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((x, y ), width/5, width, fc = '#00DFA2', ec = '#00DFA2', zorder = 2))
x1 = x+2*width/5 if x>0 else x-2*width/5
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((x1, y) , width/5, width, fc = '#FF0060', ec = '#FF0060', zorder = 2))

def plot_fiber_line(ax, x, y, color = fiber_color, lw = 3):
t = np.linspace(0,1,1000)
y[0]+t*(y[1]-y[0]), color = color, lw = lw )

def plot_bs(ax, x, y, width, height, color):

ax.add_patch(Rectangle((x, y), width/2, height, fc = color, ec = color, zorder = 3 ))
d0 = height/10
ax.hlines(y+d0, xmin = x, xmax = x-height, colors = 'k')
ax.hlines(y+ height-d0, xmin = x, xmax = x-height, colors = 'k')

if legend:
l = 0.5
text = ['Beam Splitter', 'Fiber', 'PBS' , 'Pump', 'Nonlinear\n Crystal', 'Detector', 'HWP & QWP' ]
y_text = [0, 0.5*l, 1*l, 1.6*l, 2.6*l, 3.75*l, 4.4*l]

for tt in range(len(text)):
ax.text(1.1*l, y_text[tt], s= text[tt], fontsize = 24)

ax.add_patch(Rectangle((0, 0), l ,l/4, fc = bs_color, ec = bs_color, zorder = 3 ))
plot_fiber_line(ax, (0.1,0.4), (0.6*l, 0.6*l), color = fiber_color, lw =10)

pbs_rect = Rectangle((0.12, 0.8*l), l/2, l/2, fc=pbs_color, ec='k')
corners = pbs_rect.get_corners()
center = pbs_rect.get_center()

ax.plot([corners[1][0], corners[3][0]], [corners[1][1], corners[3][1]], color='k', alpha = 0.5)

ax.add_patch(Rectangle((0, 1.6*l), l ,l/3, fc = 'k', ec = 'k', zorder = 3 ))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((0.15, 2.3*l), l/3 ,l, fc = nl_color, ec = 'k', zorder = 3 ))

ax.add_patch(Wedge(( 0.25, 3.8*l ), l/3, 90, -90 , fc = '#F1F7B5', ec = 'k', zorder = 3))
ax.hlines(3.8*l, xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.15, colors = 'k')

ax.add_patch(Rectangle((-0.2, -0.1), 3.8*l ,5.2*l, fc = 'none', ec = 'k', zorder = 3 , linestyle ="--", lw =4))
plot_hwp_qwp(ax, 0, 4.4*l , width = l/2, line = 'h')


if n <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"introduce valid number.")

elif n % 2 == 0:
m = int(n/2)

else :
raise ValueError(f"n must be an even number, but got {n}.")

if n<12:

for i in range(m + 1):
angle = 2 * np.pi * i / (m + 1)
end_point = np.array([r * np.cos(angle), r * np.sin(angle)])
out_fiber = np.array([r / 2 * np.cos(angle), r / 2 * np.sin(angle)])

# Plot fiber-coupler
if i == 0:
ax.plot([center[0], end_point[0]], [center[1], end_point[1]], color=fiber_color, lw=3)
ax.plot([center[0], end_point[0]], [center[1], end_point[1]], color='k', lw=2)

if i > 0:
ax.plot([center[0], out_fiber[0]], [center[1], out_fiber[1]], color=fiber_color, lw=3)

#plot BS
bslength = lbs*r

if angle in [0, np.pi/2]:
angle -= np.pi/10
elif angle in [np.pi, 3*np.pi/2]:
angle += np.pi/10

bs_vector = np.array([-np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)])

bs_end_points = [end_point + bslength * bs_vector,
end_point - bslength * bs_vector]
if i > 0:

if end_point[1]> 0:
pbs(ax, end_point[0]-r/12, end_point[1]+r/3, x0 = r/4)
ax.vlines(end_point[0], ymin = end_point[1], ymax = end_point[1]+5*r/12, colors = 'k')
plot_hwp_qwp(ax, end_point[0]-r/16, end_point[1]+r/6 , width = r/8)

pbs(ax, end_point[0]-r/12, end_point[1]-r/2, x0 = r/4)
ax.vlines(end_point[0], ymin = end_point[1], ymax = end_point[1]-5*r/12, colors = 'k')
plot_hwp_qwp(ax, end_point[0]-r/16, end_point[1]-r/6 , width = r/8)

if end_point[0]> 0:
pbs(ax, end_point[0]+r/3, end_point[1]-r/12, x0 = r/4)
ax.hlines(end_point[1], xmin = end_point[0], xmax = end_point[0]+5*r/12, colors = 'k')
plot_hwp_qwp (ax, end_point[0]+r/6, end_point[1]-r/16 , width = r/8, line = "v")

pbs(ax, end_point[0]-r/2, end_point[1]-r/12, x0 = r/4)
ax.hlines(end_point[1], xmin = end_point[0], xmax = end_point[0]-5*r/12, colors = 'k')
plot_hwp_qwp(ax, end_point[0]-r/6, end_point[1]-r/16 , width = r/8, line = "v")

for point in bs_end_points:
ax.plot([end_point[0], point[0]],
[end_point[1], point[1]],
color = bs_color,
lw = 6,
zorder =2)
#write_text(ax, end_point[0], end_point[1], f"BS$_{i}$", fontsize = 8, rotation = angle)

else :
xmin = end_point[0],
xmax = end_point[0]+r/4,
colors = 'k',
lw =2,
zorder = 1)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((end_point[0]+r/4, end_point[1]-r/8),
fc = nl_color,
ec = 'k',
zorder = 2))
#write_text(ax, end_point[0]+r/3.48, end_point[1]+r/6, r"NL")
xmin = end_point[0] + r/4,
xmax = end_point[0] + 0.6*r,
colors = '#FF7676',
lw =2,
zorder = 1)

ax.add_patch(Rectangle(( end_point[0] + 0.6*r, end_point[1]-r/24),
fc = 'k',
ec = 'k',
zorder = 2))
#write_text(ax, end_point[0]+0.72*r, end_point[1]+r/10, r"Pump")

ax.add_patch(Rectangle(( center[0], center[1]-r/40),
fc = '#967E76',
ec = '#967E76',
zorder = 2))
ax.annotate(f"1-to-{m} fiber coupler",
xytext=(center[0]+r/3, center[1]-r/3),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), fontsize =10)

fc = 'k',
ec = 'k',
zorder = 2))
xmin = center[0] + r/4,
xmax = center[0]-0.6*r,
colors = '#FF7676',
lw =2,
zorder = 1)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle(( center[0]-1.1*r, center[1]+r/60),
fc = '#967E76',
ec = '#967E76',
zorder = 2))

ax.add_patch(Rectangle(( center[0]-0.6*r, center[1]-r/12),
fc = nl_color,
ec = 'k',
zorder = 2))
xmin = center[0]-0.6*r,
xmax = center[0]-1.1*r,
colors = 'k',
lw =2,
zorder = 1)

xmin = center[0]-0.75*r,
xmax = center[0]-1.1*r,
colors = fiber_color,
lw =3,
zorder = 1)

ax.annotate(f"1-to-{m} fiber coupler",
xytext=(center[0]-0.9*r, center[1]-r/3),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), fontsize =10)
y_fiber1 =(np.array(range(m))-0.5*(m-1)) *0.5 /(np.max(np.arange(1, m+1))-0.5*(m-1))
y_fiber0 = np.full(m, center[1]+r/24)
x_fiber0 = np.full(m, center[0]-1.1*r)
x_fiber1 = np.full(m, center[0]-1.4*r)

for i in range(m):
plot_fiber_line(ax, ( x_fiber0[i], x_fiber1[i]), (y_fiber0[i], y_fiber1[i]))
plot_fiber_line(ax, ( x_fiber1[i], x_fiber1[i]-0.2*r), (y_fiber1[i], y_fiber1[i]), lw = 2, color = 'k')
plot_bs(ax, x_fiber1[i]-0.2*r- r/36, y_fiber1[i]-r/20, r/18, r/10, bs_color)

min_pbs_rect = min(y_fiber1)-r/15
max_pbs_rect = max(y_fiber1)+r/15
h = max_pbs_rect - min_pbs_rect
w = h/4
pbs_rect = Rectangle((x_fiber1[i]-0.2*r- r/36-w-r/10, min_pbs_rect),w, h, fc = pbs_color, ec = 'k',zorder = 2)
pbs_center = pbs_rect.get_center()
write_text(ax, pbs_center[0], pbs_center[1], f'{n}-fold', fontsize = 10, color ='k', rotation = 0)

experiment = fig.savefig(filename + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight')

return experiment

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