echo ''Some text'' | /opt/rhvoice/bin/RHVoice-test
echo ''Some text'' | /opt/rhvoice/bin/RHVoice-test -o output.wav
echo ''Some text'' | /opt/rhvoice/bin/RHVoice-test -o - -q max -v 100 | aplay - && echo Done
/opt/rhvoice/bin/RHVoice-test -i input.txt -o output.wav -q max -v 100
If you encounter clicks during realtime playback on newer systems, use the aplay command. It is available in the UI builds for Rosa and Jammy.
echo ''Some text'' contains two single apostrophes to avoid errors when these characters occur in the text.
Copy files: sudo cp -RP rhvoice /opt/rhvoice
Build options:
ALT Linux forum suggested a more convenient yad script instead of UI.
Builds for mageia6 and ubuntu 16.04 don't support /etc (dictionaries, etc.), but have rpath (cmake). The jammy (beta) build has support for /etc, but no rpath (scons). Generated sound files are identical.
The rhvoice-beta archive includes a script for translating selected text. Just assign a hotkey for it in your DE - it's very convenient.