The script is to replace existing Medidata.Core.Objects.dll with new ones. The affected Rave versions and nodes are as below table.
Product Name | Assembly Version | Product Version | Nodes | MCC |
Medidata Rave® 2013.2.0 | | 20140415223636-b6d4a73 | Application nodes | MCC-91927 |
Medidata Rave® 2013.2.0.1 | | 20140425133920-42ad77c | Application nodes | MCC-91927 |
Medidata Rave® 2013.3.0 | | 20140425133901-edac9d8 | Application nodes | MCC-91927 |
Medidata Rave® 2013.3.0.1 | | 20140425160927-940900d | Application nodes | MCC-91927 |
Medidata Rave® 2013.4.0 | | 20140425133800-285b96c | Application nodes and Web nodes | MCC-91927 MCC-104473 |
Medidata Rave® 2013.4.0.1 | | 20140508213308-d2f1f2f | Application nodes and Web nodes | MCC-104473 |
This script uses "Assembly Version (5.6.5.XX)" as identity to filter target sites.
- Connect WHOIS database to get deployment information for all sites (or say "URL" in Medidata language) and their sibling nodes.
- Filter out those sites need to be patched.
- Loopily execute step 4~6 on each site
- Stop the core service of each sibling if it's an App server.
- Backup the original Medidata.Core.Objects.dll and replace it with the new dll on each sibling.
- Start the core service of each sibling if it's an App server.
- If any error happens between step 4~6, restore the dll from its backup. Otherwise, insert one record into site's RavePatches table. The PatchNumber is constantly "MCC-106898".
- Patch site as a whole or nothing. The script ensures all sibling nodes of a single site are all patched or none. If error happens in the middle, the script will try to restore those have been patched from the backup (See "Log file and backup" below), so as to avoid discrepancy among these siblings.
- Safe to re-run. The script was designed to be rerunnable safely. It means it will detect if the patch has been finished on the target site. So the script will automatically skip those patched sites.
- Read from sites.txt file to specify sites. User must list all target sites' URLs (not IP address) in this file. One site for each line. Any white line, empty line, or the line where the first non-empty charactor is "#" will be ignored. "#" character can be used as comment symbol. If no valid line in this file, or the file doesn't exist, the script will return without doing any patching. And the message will be like
> No site specified. Sites.txt doesn't exist or is empty.
- In-place backup. The backup of the original DLL will be reside in a sub folder called "MCC-106898" right beneath the its original location. And the backup file will be renamed with ".bak" suffix. Below is an example after patching. The backup will not be deleted when neither succeeded nor failed.
│ Medidata.Core.Objects.dll <-- The new one
Medidata.Core.Objects.dll.bak <-- The original one
PS ~> .\CMP-MCC106898.ps1 $WhoisDBServerName$ [$LogFolder$] [$OpeCoreServiceTimeOutSeconds$] [$RetryCoreServiceTimes$]
$WhoisDBServerName$ is the server name of WHOIS database and is required. -
$LogFolder$ is the directory for log file. This can be either absolute path or relative path. If it's a relative path, it will be under the script's directory. This is optional and default value is "Logs". -
$OpeCoreServiceTimeOutSeconds$ is the time out in seconds to wait for starting or stopping core service. This is optional and default value is 30. -
$RetryCoreServiceTimes$ is the retry times if starting or stopping core service failed. This is optional and default value is 3.
Notice: You may consider to increase timeout and retry times to reduce core service operation failure.
Log file will be generated under the specified log folder (by
A new record like below will be inserted into the RavePatches table of each target site only if the patching on that site succeeded. The existence of this PatchNumber is used to detect whether this site has been patched already, so as to ensure this script's rerunnability.
id | RaveVersion | PatchNumber | version | Description | DateApplied | AppliedBy | AppliedFrom | Active | AppServers | WebServers | Viewers | BatchUploader | NonSqlRun |
91 | | MCC-106898 | 1 | Replace Medidata.Core.Objects.dll | 2014-05-01 15:14:59.537 | NULL | NULL | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |