Implementation of Localizables.string to Swift enum conversion
LocalizableDSL framework depends on:
- SwiftSyntax (
- SwiftFormat (
- lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib
- git clone -b swift-5.2-branch
- cd swift-syntax
- swift package generate-xcodeproj
- drag & drop generated SwiftSyntax.xcodeproj to LocalizableDSL project navigator as a dependency (replacing existing missing one)
- git clone -b swift-5.2-branch
- cd swift-format
- swift package generate-xcodeproj
- drag & drop generated swift-format.xcodeproj to LocalizableDSL project navigator as a dependency (replacing existing missing one)
To quote from
Embedding SwiftSyntax in an Application
SwiftSyntax depends on the lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib/.so library which provides a C interface to the underlying Swift C++ parser. When you do swift build SwiftSyntax links and uses the library included in the Swift toolchain. If you are building an application make sure to embed _InternalSwiftSyntaxParser as part of your application's libraries.
So, in order to add lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib as a dependency, search in Finder for "lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib" and drag & drop (or better copy) found dylib into LocalizableDSL directory, then, drag & drop lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib into LocalizableDSL project navigator (replacing existing missing one)
LocalizableDSL provides public API:
public class DSL {
public init()
public func parse(input: String) throws -> String
let parser = DSL()
let output = try parser.parse(input: "\"MyClass.textLabel.text\" = \"hello there\";")
// prints
enum L {
enum MyClass {
enum TextLabel {
static let text = NSLocalizedString("MyClass.textLabel.text", comment: "")