- Light/Dark mode.
- Local email authentication via email & password.
- Social authentication integration with Passport.js.
- Register an account with Facebook or Google.
- Reset your forgotten password via email.
- Update your profile name, bio, image, email.
- Change your password.
- Search accounts by name & email.
- Sort accounts by name or date joined.
Tech | What for |
React | Build a component-based user interface. |
Next.js | Server-side rendering (SSR) of React components. |
URQL | GraphQL Client for data fetching, caching. |
GraphQL | Query language to describe how to interact with the API. |
React Hook Form | Form state management and validation. |
Moment.js | Parse & display dates. |
Chakra UI | Quickly build beautiful UI components. |
Tech | What for |
Node.js | JavaScript runtime environment. |
Express | Design & build the API. |
GraphQL | Design & model the application entities. |
PostgreSQL | SQL database. |
Redis | Store session data in memory for lightning-fast queries. |
Sequelize | Interact with the database. |
Apollo Server Express | Create a GraphQL server with Express.js. |
Passport.js | Simple, secure solution to integrate social authentication. |
Sengrid Mail | Send password reset emails. |
GraphQL API | HTTP API architecture. |
Tech | What for |
VPS | Secure dedicated cloud server hosting. |
Docker | Push & pull enviroments to and from the virtual server. |
Vultr | Host the server. |
Vercel | Host the client. |
Babel | Compile newer versions of JS to vanilla JS. |
Authentication & authorization are essential parts of every application. For my first project ever, I wanted to tackle the core principles of the register and login flow, including email password resets, email change, and basic personal profile info updates. I also wanted to closely mimic the process for most modern social media applications, as everyone is familiar with these interfaces.
- Learn GraphQL.
- Build a basic authentication flow.
- Scalable architecture by detaching the client and the server.
- Learn to host a server on a virtual private server.