A simple indexed and searchable User Profile App using Redisearch as the datastore. This App allows a user to list all the users, add a new user as well as search for a user in one of the fastest mode. Usually search based indexing databases or engines are quite heavyweight and need lot of settings to be done.
I was looking for lightweight Data-structure which can solve the use-case of indexing documents and provide searchable capability. So I came across this whitepaper and I was pretty impressed with their benchmark and simple commands.
With the help of Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and use of JRedisearch library, I was able to create a simple yet high performant searching App.
Indexed Full-Text searching made easy
You can follow the below mentioned simple steps to run this app
Run Redisearch in docker:
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redisearch
Build this app using maven
mvn clean package
Build this app using docker:
docker build -t user-profile-app:latest .
Build this app using docker:
docker run -d -p 9090:9090 -e REDIS_HOST={REDIS_HOST} -e REDIS_PORT={REDIS_PORT} -t user-profile-app:latest