Profound AI is a RAG powered lecturer agent that can walk you through your lecture slides and answer your questions
You can upload your lecture slides (and optionally a link to your class Canvas and your Canvas Token) and Profound will walk you through the presentation.
If you do not know how to retrieve your canvas token, login to your canvas account. Navigate over to Account -> Settings. In the Settings page, your should be able to see a section called "Approved Integrations" where you can create a new access token.
During the presentation, you can "Raise your hand" and ask Profound any questions you have about the content.
Profound will use the RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) context from your uploads to answer your question efficiently and accurately.
Tech Stack: ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Flask, MongoDB Atlas, Langchain
Required Python Installations: pip install langchain pymongo bs4 openai tiktoken gradio requests lxml argparse unstructured flask pdfplumber python-dotenv requests
We also have two .env files. One for the backend and one for the frontend
When running the frontend, navigate over to the frontend folder and in your terminal, run "npm install" and then "npm start". This should spin up the frontend locally.
When running the backend, navigate over to the "flask-server" folder and in your terminal run "python". This should start up the flask server.
Once both of the steps above are complete, you are ready to use Profound AI!
If you want to learn more about and see a demo video, click this link: