Analysis toolkit for the Prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (pSCT). The SCT Toolkit is a collection of analysis tools with the following major components:
- Pedestal: construct pedestal databases from calibration data
- Quick Plots: easily create plots to view raw and reconstructed data
- Utils: utilities for viewing and buidling documentation
- Waveform: access raw and calibrated waveform data, apply pedestal subtraction
- Analysis: convenience tools for calculating standard metrics such as charge spectrums (work in progress)
- Interactive: create interactive plots that can be viewed in html (work in progress, see here)
The toolkit is designed to take .fits
files and convert them into a more analysis friendly format. The process begins with the construction of a pedestal and waveform databases. A run number and a list of modules are specified, then an hdf5 database, along with corresponding metadata, is generated as output. New databases can be created with a few short commands:
from sct_toolkit import pedestal
#specify the run to use
run_number = 322342
#specify name for the new database
ped_name = 'my_run_files/pedestal_database_{}.h5'.format(run_number)
#define list of module numbers (must be same order as when data was taken)
modules = [118,125,126,119,108,121,110,128,123,124,112,100,111,114,107]
#create new pedestal database
ped = pedestal()
Once a pedestal database has been created, it can be used for calibrating data in a new waveform database.
from sct_toolkit import waveform
#define list of module numbers (must be same order as when data was taken)
modules = [118,125,126,119,108,121,110,128,123,124,112,100,111,114,107]
#Add in some comments (optional but recommended)
comments = 'backplane with cal trigger, LED at 100 Hz, trigger delay 685 ns, vped 1106'
#Create a new waveform database
wf = waveform()
By default, the output database will be named 'run322344.h5' and will be placed in the specified output directory. By specifiying a pedestal database, pedestal subtraction is performed automatically. Additionally, for each calibrated waveform, charge, amplitude, and position are calculated.
After the database has been created, we can pull it up and start our analysis. The first thing to note is that the metadata for the run is stored alongside the database and is automatically loaded when waveform
is called.
>>> from sct_toolkit import waveform
>>> wf = waveform('my_run_files/run322344.h5')
>>> metadata = wf.get_attributes(verbose=True)
asics: [0 1 2 3]
channels: [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
channels_per_packet: 16
charge_interval: -8, +8
comments: 'backplane with cal trigger, LED at 100 Hz, trigger delay 685 ns, vped 1106'
created_by: SCT_McGee
date: 2017-11-08 16:37:01.822866
keys: event, block, phase, timestamp, waveform, cal_waveform, amplitude, position, charge
modules: [118 125 126 119 108 121 110 128 123 124 112 100 111 114 107]
name: my_run_files/run322344.h5
num_events: 59
packet_size: 2100
ped_name: my_run_files/pedestal_database_322342.h5
run: 322344
run_path: /Users/STC_McGee/target5and7data/run322344.fits
structure: Module#/Asic#/Channel#/'keys'
waveform_length: 64
The database has a branch-like structure with dictionary keys for each stored quantity. For example, the raw waveform array for module 123, ASIC 0, channel 0 can be accessed using wf.get_branch('Module123/Asic0/Channel0/waveform')
. Additionally, because metadata is automatically loaded, quantities such as number of events, readout window, module list, etc. never have to be explicitely defined by the user. For example, we can easily pull up raw waveforms for all modules, ASICs, and channels and store them in an array for further analysis:
from sct_toolkit import waveform
import numpy as np
#load database
wf = waveform('my_run_files/run322344.h5')
#create array to hold waveforms
data = np.zeros((len(wf.get_module_list()),
wf.get_n_samples()), dtype=int)
#get waveform data for each branch
for m, mod in enumerate(wf.get_module_list()):
for a, asic in enumerate(wf.get_asic_list()):
for c, channel in enumerate(wf.get_channel_list()):
branch_name = 'Module{}/Asic{}/Channel{}/waveform'.format(mod,asic,channel)
data[m,a,c] = np.array(wf.get_branch(branch_name))
The structure also makes plotting very easy. If we wanted to overlay all average waveforms of all channels in Module 108, Asic 2, for example, we would simply do:
from sct_toolkit import waveform
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
wf = waveform('my_run_files/run322344.h5')
for channel in wf.get_channel_list():
data = np.array(wf.get_branch('Module108/Asic2/Channel{}/waveform'.format(channel)))
plt.xlabel('Time (ns)')
plt.ylabel('ADC Counts')