A Language based on Propositional Calculus
It supports Expression Oriented Programming
This is an Educational Project and currently in Beta
After installation
type logico
and press enter in the terminal and the REPL will Start
Is a branch of logic concerned with the study of propositions (whether they are true or false) that are formed by other propositions with the use of logical connectives.
Truth Value | Logico |
true | T |
false | F |
Both Unary and Dyadic Connectives are Available
Logical Connectives | Operator | Natural Language |
Negation | -A | not A |
Conjunction | A ^ B | A and B |
Disjunction | A v B | A or B |
Implication | A > B | if A then B |
Biconditional | A = B | A if and only if B |
In Logico you can write Propositional Expressions of both Simple and Compound types and Evaluate them. Logico syntax is compatible with Well-formed formula(WFF) Formal Grammer of Propositional Calculus
( ( -(T ^ F) v (-F) ) ^ F )
This Expression will evaluate to F
In Logico Everything is an Expression therefore Everything has to be inside (...)
You can also write multiple expressions inside an expression and the last expression will be the final evaluation of the enclosing expression
( (-T) (F ^ T) (F) (T) )
Enclosing Expression will evaluate to T
Variables in Logico can be used as Propositional Variables but are not limited to the atomic formulas of propositional logic
In Logico Variables can store Expressions and Variables are Expressions
Variables are Lazily Evaluated
(A: T)
(B: ( (T ^ F) = (F ^ T) ) )
(A v B)
Variable Definition inside of another variable definition is memoized and expression is partially evaluated as shown below
(B: -(A: T)) -> (B: -A) [A is defined and will be lazily evaluated]
In cases where the variable is already defined it will override the existing value
You can try this in the REPL
Prove that for Every value of A and B it Evaluates to T
> ( e: ( ( ( A > B ) ^ A ) > B ) )
> ( ( A : T ) ( B : T ) )
> (e)
> ( ( A : F ) ( B : T ) )
> (e)
> ( ( A : T ) ( B : F ) )
> (e)
> ( ( A : F ) ( B : F ) )
> (e)