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Benchmark Runner for Cosmos DB

This repo is used for benchmarking Cosmos DB SDK against various workloads

Data Model

The use-case is the following

  • Persist the user provided sets (in practice this is a graph, but a set models the same workload in a simpler way) in the DB e.g. [ G1{A,B,C}, G2{X,Y}, G3{P,Q,R,S}]
  • Support the query, provided any one of the set members return the original set. e.g. Given Q, return {P,Q,R,S}

To support this use case, we model the data using two collections

  1. A graph collection that stores each Set with the key as the Set name (or GraphId). e.g. Key = "G1", Value = "A,B,C"
  2. A routing collection that point each member to the Set name (or GraphId). e.g.for set G1, we have the following 3 documents - [Key = "A", Value = "G1"] [Key = "B", Value = "G1"] [Key = "C", Value = "G1"]


JMH is used as the benchmarking harness (
See for the JMH annotated class.

The following are the workloads that have been modelled

  1. lookupRoutingSingle - Lookup a single document in the routing collection by calling readDocument(..)
  2. lookupRoutingBatch - Lookup a batch of 1000 documents in the routing collection. This is done by grouping the 1000 keys by the partitionRangeId that they fall into and issuing 1 query per partition.
  3. lookupTwoTableSingle - Given a key, do a lookup in Routing collection by calling readDocument(..), use the graph-id present in the retrieved document to fetch the corresponding graph from the Graph collection.
  4. lookupTwoTableBatch - Same as #3, but for batches of 1000 keys. This translates into a call to lookupRoutingBatch, followed by a call to lookupGraphBatch.

Building runnable jar

  • Provide correct CosmosDB Account/DB details. Update client-common/src/main/resources/reference.conf
  • Configure the benchmark runner. Update benchmark/src/main/resources/reference.conf. Description of the config block follows
     jmh {
       params {
         jvmArgs = "-Xmx8G"
         jmhArgs = "-f1  -i 1 -r 1 -w 1 -wi 1 -t 1 -rf json" // see
         // -f 1    -> How many forks? Each fork is an independent benchmark on a separate JVM. Results are aggregated to provide mean and std-dev(error)
         // -i 1    -> Iterations share the same JVM. Results from each iteration are aggregated to provide mean and std-dev(error)
         // -r 1    -> How long does each iteration last? (default seconds).
         // -wi 1   -> How many warm-up iterations? These don't count towards the measurement.
         // -w 1    -> How long does each warm-up iteration last?
         // -t 1    -> How many concurrent threads to use for load generation? This is ignored, value from runList below is used instead.
         // -to 600 -> Timeout (seconds) for each iteration 
         resultsPath = "/tmp/"                              // The detailed results file for each run goes here
         summaryCsvFile = "/tmp/benchmark-results.csv"      // A simple consolidated summary of all the runs go here
       runList = [                                          // Specify n number of benchmark runs
           name = "lookup-single-sync"                      // Name for this run
           regex = "ReadBenchmark.lookupRoutingSingle"      // Regex to use to pickup benchmark methods
           threads = [1]//[1,50,100, 125]                   // Number of threads to use for benchmark. We do a separate benchmark for each thread in the array.
           clientType = "sync"                              // Specify whether to use cosmos sync or async SDK.
           name = "lookup-single-async"
           regex = "ReadBenchmark.lookupRoutingSingle"
           threads = [1]//[1,50,100,125,250]//[1,10,50,100,500,750,1000]
           clientType = "async"
  • To build runnable jar run ./gradlew shadowJar -PcosmosAsyncVersion=2.4.3
  • Copy to target machine scp benchmark/build/libs/benchmark-1.2-cosmos-2.4.3-SNAPSHOT-shadow.jar [email protected]:~/
  • Modify config after building shadow jar (optional)
    • You can modify the reference.conf file inside the runnable jar to configure DB account, DB name, MasterKey
    • vim benchmark-1.2-cosmos-2.4.3-SNAPSHOT-shadow.jar
    • Hit enter on reference.conf to enter file
    • Look for the following block and modify as needed. :wq to save file and :q! to exit Vim zip browser.

Generate test collection and data

java -cp benchmark/build/libs/benchmark-1.2-cosmos-2.4.3-SNAPSHOT-shadow.jar

Run benchmarks

java -cp benchmark/build/libs/benchmark-1.2-cosmos-2.4.3-SNAPSHOT-shadow.jar | tee benchmark.out
Note that the SuiteRunner runs in it's own separate JVM, the purpose of the SuiteRunner is the following

  1. Execute all the benchmarks as per the spec in benchmark/src/main/resources/reference.conf
  2. Spawn a JVM for each benchmark run (one-at-a-time) in #1 and aggregate the results into a single CSV file.

Debug in IDE

  • Run this main method
  • This will simply exercise readDocument(..)

Attaching a debugger to a running benchmark

  1. Update benchmark/src/main/resources/reference.conf with jvmArgs = "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" \
  2. Following instructions in section Run benchmarks to start the suite runner. This will start the benchmark JVM (not the suite runner) in debug mode, listening on localhost:5005
  3. Instructions to connect using IDEA Community Edition follows
  • From the top menu-bar Run -> Edit Configuration -> + icon (top-left) to 'Add New Configuration' -> Select 'Remote' -> Rename your configuration to say 'JMH' -> Select port as 5005 -> Debugger mode = Attach to remote JVM -> Hit OK to save and close
  • Set breakpoints as needed, say inside
  • Select the newly created JMH run configuration from the drop down and hit the debug button. This will start the debug session.


  • The default timeout for each JMH iteration is 10min. To increase, update jmhArgs in the config file

Results of benchmark runs

Single Lookup workload

Sync SDK v2.4.0 vs Async SDK v2.4.3

refer to /benchmark/results/2.4.3/lookup-single

OpName ThreadCount Throughput(ops/s) Throughput(+/-) P95(ms) P99(ms) OpCount ErrorCount ErrorRate
lookup-single-sync 1 729.42 NaN 1.67 2.00 510189 0 0.00
lookup-single-sync 50 40262.35 NaN 1.47 2.10 28706975 0 0.00
lookup-single-sync 100 69682.23 NaN 1.86 4.10 49662923 0 0.00
lookup-single-sync 125 81009.16 NaN 2.53 6.37 56384645 0 0.00
lookup-single-sync 250 89921.72 NaN 5.41 17.14 62845832 0 0.00
lookup-single-sync 300 89358.84 NaN 7.25 24.12 62005360 0 0.00
lookup-single-async 1 659.74 NaN 1.80 2.11 471670 0 0.00
lookup-single-async 50 32395.38 NaN 1.80 2.42 23345061 0 0.00
lookup-single-async 100 54134.88 NaN 3.22 5.18 37266361 0 0.00
lookup-single-async 125 54486.74 NaN 4.45 7.95 38483976 0 0.00
lookup-single-async 250 63342.66 NaN 13.14 22.54 42745108 0 0.00
lookup-single-async 300 64177.47 NaN 14.47 24.74 45406863 0 0.00
lookup-single-async 400 62915.07 NaN 23.66 37.95 42994734 0 0.00
lookup-single-async 500 64044.00 NaN 29.92 46.47 42813558 0 0.00

Async SDK v2.6.1

OpName ThreadCount Throughput(ops/s) Throughput(+/-) P95(ms) P99(ms) OpCount ErrorCount ErrorRate
lookup-single-async-cosmos-v2.6.1 1 782.71 NaN 1.51 1.83 557409 0 0.00

Benchmark hangs for threadCount > 1, the following messages are logged

2019-10-03 18:38:16,046       [CosmosEventLoop-5-18] WARN - Received gone exception, will retry, GoneException{error=null, resourceAddress='rntbd://
-a9e6-d968b93c7620/replicas/132142763239106974p/', statusCode=410, message=ChannelHandlerContext(RntbdRequestManager#0, [id: 0x3f515e5b, L:/ -]) closed exceptionally with 3 pending requests, getCauseInfo=[class: class java.lang.IllegalStateException, message: null], responseHeaders={}, requestHeaders={authorization=ty
pe%3Dmaster%26ver%3D1.0%26sig%3DP2mCg7rATURTyPNA7Fr7Ka%2BU8%2F9DqT2sQ0UUbA%2BkjEg%3D, Accept=application/json, x-ms-date=Thu, 03 Oct 2019 18:38:16 GMT, x-ms-documentdb-collection-rid=j7M8ANVKp0o=, x-ms-client-retry-attempt-count=0, x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey=["2f60d4c0-d7f0-47d9-983c-b6e23d2b20d3"], x-ms-remaining-time-in-ms-on-client=60000, x-ms-consistency-level=Eventual}}
2019-10-03 18:38:16,046       [CosmosEventLoop-5-18] WARN - Received gone exception, will retry, GoneException{error=null, resourceAddress='rntbd://
-a9e6-d968b93c7620/replicas/132142763239106974p/', statusCode=410, message=ChannelHandlerContext(RntbdRequestManager#0, [id: 0x3f515e5b, L:/ -]) closed exceptionally with 3 pending requests, getCauseInfo=[class: class java.lang.IllegalStateException, message: null], responseHeaders={}, requestHeaders={authorization=ty
pe%3Dmaster%26ver%3D1.0%26sig%3D3Da8P%2FHJVWUqrlkeP8jW4mae%2FKf65eqt9Zo9%2BmJKBk8%3D, Accept=application/json, x-ms-date=Thu, 03 Oct 2019 18:38:16 GMT, x-ms-documentdb-collection-rid=j7M8ANVKp0o=, x-ms-client-retry-attempt-count=0, x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey=["f1e76dd8-a971-4baa-8f13-7f2c864d1fb0"], x-ms-remaining-time-in-ms-on-client=60000, x-ms-consistency-level=Eventual}}
2019-10-03 18:38:16,409       [CosmosEventLoop-5-2] ERROR AsyncCosmosDbClient - Error in getDocument()
RequestTimeoutException{error=null, resourceAddress='rntbd://', statusCode=408, message=Request timeout interval (60,000 ms) elapsed, 
RequestStartTime: "03 Oct 2019 18:37:16.394", RequestEndTime: "03 Oct 2019 18:38:16.408", Duration: 60014 ms, Number of regions attempted: 1
StoreResponseStatistics{requestResponseTime="03 Oct 2019 18:38:16.408", storeResult=storePhysicalAddress: null, lsn: -1, globalCommittedLsn: -1, partitionKeyRangeId: null, isValid: true, statusCode: 408, subStatusCode: 0, isGone: false, isNotFound: false, isInvalidPartition: false, requestCharge: 0.0, itemLSN: -1, sessionToken: null, exception: Request timeout interval (60,000 ms) elapsed, requestRe
sourceType=Document, requestOperationType=Read}
, getCauseInfo=null, responseHeaders={}, requestHeaders={authorization=type%3Dmaster%26ver%3D1.0%26sig%3DipjgCZ%2B%2BkRCr3cdUQr39lyTkQkQ8Oevj0xI%2BOIKOXNE%3D, Accept=application/json, x-ms-date=Thu, 03 Oct 2019 18:37:16 GMT, x-ms-documentdb-collection-rid=j7M8ANVKp0o=, x-ms-client-retry-attempt-count=0, x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey=["919af32a-705a-4077-a6c7-667d23813b03"], x-ms-remaining-time-in-ms-
on-client=60000, x-ms-consistency-level=Eventual}}
        at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(
        at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(
        at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
        at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$
2019-10-03 18:38:16,410       [CosmosEventLoop-5-24] WARN - Received gone exception, will retry, GoneException{error=null, resourceAddress='rntbd://
-accb-72721fda4abb/replicas/132142763257700618s/', statusCode=410, message=ChannelHandlerContext(RntbdRequestManager#0, [id: 0x748bbb93, L:/ -]) closed exceptionally with 1 pending requests, getCauseInfo=[class: class java.lang.IllegalStateException, message: null], responseHeaders={}, requestHeaders={authorization=ty
pe%3Dmaster%26ver%3D1.0%26sig%3D9Gb05907BrPiFt%2BP39nw2XodyTxLaBocyee8Xuegwwo%3D, Accept=application/json, x-ms-date=Thu, 03 Oct 2019 18:38:16 GMT, x-ms-documentdb-collection-rid=j7M8ANVKp0o=, x-ms-client-retry-attempt-count=0, x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey=["8bd3d587-456f-45eb-9204-fdadc1f4e58d"], x-ms-remaining-time-in-ms-on-client=60000, x-ms-consistency-level=Eventual}}
2019-10-03 18:38:16,410       [] ERROR AbstractBenchmark - CosmosDbException Exception in benchmark method. Msg = A cosmosDB exception has occurred!, Cause = Request timeout interval (60,000 ms) elapsed, 
RequestStartTime: "03 Oct 2019 18:37:16.394", RequestEndTime: "03 Oct 2019 18:38:16.408", Duration: 60014 ms, Number of regions attempted: 1
StoreResponseStatistics{requestResponseTime="03 Oct 2019 18:38:16.408", storeResult=storePhysicalAddress: null, lsn: -1, globalCommittedLsn: -1, partitionKeyRangeId: null, isValid: true, statusCode: 408, subStatusCode: 0, isGone: false, isNotFound: false, isInvalidPartition: false, requestCharge: 0.0, itemLSN: -1, sessionToken: null, exception: Request timeout interval (60,000 ms) elapsed, requestRe
sourceType=Document, requestOperationType=Read}

2019-10-03 18:38:17,506       [CosmosEventLoop-5-16] WARN - Received gone exception, will retry, GoneException{error=null, resourceAddress='rntbd://
a82f-7dcf6e258b17/replicas/132144188441640655s/', statusCode=410, message=ChannelHandlerContext(RntbdRequestManager#0, [id: 0xd5a031f1, L:/ -]) closed exceptionally with 2 pending requests, getCauseInfo=[class: class java.lang.IllegalStateException, message: null], responseHeaders={}, requestHeaders={authorization=type
%3Dmaster%26ver%3D1.0%26sig%3DrbcKmQsWk48TvvXXaqY7uvWz2BT3ReHuI%2B35MeZpq%2F0%3D, Accept=application/json, x-ms-date=Thu, 03 Oct 2019 18:38:17 GMT, x-ms-documentdb-collection-rid=j7M8ANVKp0o=, x-ms-client-retry-attempt-count=0, x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey=["330d5cfd-923e-4657-b253-713dd7695a0c"], x-ms-remaining-time-in-ms-on-client=60000, x-ms-consistency-level=Eventual}}

Batch lookup workload

Sync SDK v2.4.0 vs Async SDK v2.4.3

OpName ThreadCount Throughput(ops/s) Throughput(+/-) P95(ms) P99(ms) OpCount ErrorCount ErrorRate
lookup-batch-sync 1 65.55 NaN 20.48 172.60 45489 0 0.00
lookup-batch-sync 4 138.54 NaN 61.08 143.89 102282 0 0.00
lookup-batch-sync 8 156.22 NaN 130.42 267.39 111594 0 0.00
lookup-batch-sync 16 204.68 NaN 133.30 245.52 143398 0 0.00
lookup-batch-sync 32 208.40 NaN 327.68 458.73 146127 0 0.00
lookup-batch-sync 64 190.94 NaN 708.84 912.86 136143 0 0.00
lookup-batch-async 1 29.96 NaN 38.01 60.02 21278 0 0.00
lookup-batch-async 4 82.45 NaN 54.20 91.45 67820 0 0.00
lookup-batch-async 8 149.55 NaN 75.50 93.85 107467 0 0.00
lookup-batch-async 16 174.59 NaN 131.86 168.82 120926 0 0.00
lookup-batch-async 32 155.55 NaN 267.39 460.85 110059 0 0.00
lookup-batch-async 64 109.23 NaN 1025.51 1170.21 75567 0 0.00


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